Moscow to Beijing, a Summer of 1973
I was born in Bern–Switzerland. It was the mid-70’s, a time when cold war was at its height. New York City was still a mad city, with Star Wars on the screens and Apple in the garage. Unlike usual beliefs that Swiss were all born in golden cribs, my family was from a rather humble background; my grandfather was a train driver and my dad a self-made man. It was probably my mother’s side that infused me with an artistic nature. My father worked his entire career for Swissair (Swiss Airlines) and early on was sent abroad for management positions around the globe. This was how I became“un enfant du voyage” – a globetrotter’s kid. My favorite part is to believe that 1972 & 1973 played an essential role on my birth date (1rst of May) and destiny– while posted in Moscow - Russia, my parents visited Beijing - China.
GHANA 1976-1980
I guess most children don’t remember their toddler years, but for me Ghana imprinted vivid memories like a bed time fairytale. I remember the big old planes hanging in the halls of the Zurich airport and the airplanes hazy views from the windows in the hall of the airport vaccination departmenrt where oversized syringes awaited us for all kinds of vaccines we had to take every year. I remember the very cool moments on flight: the premium food plateaux, the then charming hostesses, Lego boxes and wooden toys! Flying was then fun! …but long … You could still feel the planet was a huge place to travel and to be discovered.
At the time west Africa was a great place to be. “The Golden Coast” was true to its meaning, Ghana was living a peaceful time and fairly harmonious relations with foreigners. I remember the many small villages and tribes– each with their dialect and proud colors. I remember my parents friends having a lot of cross cultural marriages. It seemed to me like a big friendly planet.
My years in Accra were fantastic. We lived in a compound made of two storage apartments, most surrounded by expats but also well-doing Ghanaian and Arabic indigenous. We had a big red dirt tennis court in its middle and a lush tropical park. The back of the compound had a local village where our parents advised us not to venture; Stories came from time to time such as family cat disappearing in the cooking pan of the local medicine man. Africa was a land of tales, of adventure and anecdotes – I tried to choose a set of them to describe my path during those years, and the ones which touched me the most.
I would rarely go downtown to visit my dad’s office. But still, we would sometimes go to the open markets with our cranky 504 Peugeot and I could glance at the city buzz – there were people, people and more people everywhere, attached to their daily routines: car fixer, fruit seller, butcher, ivory dealer, mahogany craftsmen, the red eyed bell pepper merchants, bicycle riders without rubber tubes …and legions of lorries, overloaded with goods and men – smoky, smelly and short of a wheel – all proudly stamped with a spiritual slogan on the top front. The summer heat was wet and the dusty red earth layered amidst the“urbanization” of the city - unfinished houses and shafts were painted over and over between “office buildings” and hand painted advertising slogan.
The airport was an old concrete flat building where you could always see late passengers running along the track to catch their flight with already closed doors! The plane would halt, reopen the hatch and bring back the stairs truck. There was also a “goodbye”terrace on the roof for relatives to see the departing peoples, Cardboard boxes would suddenly fly off the roof to be caught by the passengers below who wanted to avoid the security check – a“chicken farm” like dance would then start between them and those escaping in all directions …
Beside the Sunday night scorching three hours church mass – when I usually fell quickly asleep, most of our time was spent outdoor. My first bottle of beer was at around five - when left alone at the beer club on the track of the bowling alley, and taking the nickname of bush kid - I was also frequently a“chair lemur, sofa panther and a carpet caterpillar” … a regular of precarious but comfortable places where we would be dropped to fall asleep till dawn; so much pool parties were thrown around. Week-end also meant beach time. We would squeeze as many families as possible in the few cars – kids and dogs would be in the car trunk or even on the floor of the front seat and still had to resist the 1:30h bush ride in the sandy dirt roads to the seashore. Many had installed simple bamboo huts. We unfolded the hammock, opened the colorful barbecue grill, rice salads and cutlery … While grown ups would go on for endless Bridge card games and naps, we would dig ourselves in sand holes and replay Treasure. African shores were wild. The strong waves produced fresh sprays of water in the wind. Lines of coconut palm tree bended their body towards the ocean, pounded by numerous years of sea erosion … they can also be traitorous: THE BEACH
The area had serious under currents(called the sea bed blade) which made it sportive for fishermen to bring back their long rowing boats ashore and for swimmers to simply come back. One afternoon my brother and friends went out for play, but soon “the blade”was pulling them away at large. The wave made their desperate screams unaudible. I stayed on the beach, building sand, when my dog Cadi started barking loudly towards them. While I was still wondering what was going on, he already had ran towards the bamboo hut where the adults napped and motivated them to the rescue! It took three strong guys attached to a rope to bring the kids back … “My dog had saved more than the day!” – If drown or eaten by sharks, they would have been fated to a certain death.
Africa is an animal kingdom – to eat or to be eaten. My sister loved to eat ants; red ants loved to eat big chunk of meat we gave them at the horse farm. Snakes would kill people down the shower drain; our gardener would chop their head and skin them so we could collect reptilian trophies. My personal favorite was Accra’s zoo, where a big old Gorilla kept the entrance while begging for bananas and gave you a hand shake if you rewarded him. We could touch and feed almost all the animals – the giraffes fences were so low that they could bend over for a big hug and ate your T-shirt at the same time. Chills ran all over our body each time we wandered around the snakes and spiders vivarium rotunda – it had so many cracks on the walls and glass that you hoped they wouldn’t escape. The crocodile pond was particularly spooky.You had to cross over with a run down brick bridge to continue the visit, and thus it later produced terrible nightmares: I would scream for my parents help to save me from those crawling under my bed, or the fruit bats feeling the indoor lights and smashing unexpectingly on the windows.
Not far from the American compound was an old carcass of a Russian helicopter, which served now as a fantastic playground for kids - such places served our childhood. We had to be adventurous and inventive, and we enjoyed every moments under the sun or a tropical storm. I was half naked most of the time. My ultra blond look mixed with a sun-tanned skin amazed the local kids - they always wanted to touch our hairs.
I was the last in my family and I learned the hard way to live brotherhood. All kids of mixed ages hung out as a band. Of course the little ones where the one to be blamed, hurt or put to the test. My knees used to bleed at least once a week, either while riding a big yellow plastic truck or a fat tire trotinette at high speed over big bumps formed by the massive roots of trees …and bam …another one … My nanny would spend sometimes an hour to take the pebbles out of our wounds. Quickly my brother discovered I would turn hysterical when he made me cry on purpose. He found that rather funny. Once we were playing in a large mahogany tree. We usually had a small machete and whistle to warn of eventual snakes or nasty wild birds. Somehow my brother picked on me. Infuriated, I brandished the machete and swing it in his direction. Being on the branches he hadn’t much mobility and the blade tore his T-shirt open at height of his stomach. In a blink of an eye, his survival instinct kicked me off the tree and I fell, smack in the middle of a flat leaf cactus, with part of my arms, side and leg covered with spines. We both never started again.
Living the “bush” life, we became relatively danger-conscious and alert …We were living like Crusoe, free and wild.
QUEBEC, 1980 - 1981
A year that will seal a destiny.
Imagine: a +35oC mostly topless blond headed “bush” boy, parachuted in 1FREEZING cold Montreal! Montreal became my first “conscious” moving out/moving in destination.
I started to realize what the loss of friends and the gain of new ones really meant. At it would go on like this for years, like a sand castle being buildt up and a few years later washed out. But good things always happen when you pay attention to them. Firstly I discovered Television and a rampage on animations; Secondly the craze of BMX street strolling and “almost every one has one in the backyard” private pool ; and thirdly, the avent of Star Wars and Atari games, which made visiting friends places just more fun! The school was huge to my standard, it had everything - aircon, indoor and outdoor sport fields, a cantine, a big library and an amazing cinema venue. They would show a movie or two per week. One particular afternoon during movie session would seal my love destiny. They played “The Kite” from 1956 in which two French kids went to China. I immediately fell in love with the Chinese girl hero and would dream about her for weeks. That very fall came an event – rather a flick of a moment -that would be the tipping point of my live’s leitmotiv: I knew – one day I would marry a Chinese lady .
(It was then I also opened for the first time a large and heavy book with beautiful pictures of China that my parents had on their bookshelf.)
Switzerland, 1981 - 1988
When you are ugly you have to be fun. When you are not bright you have to be smart and clever.
During these years my father travelled a lot and most of the time wasn’t home. My mother was also kept busy most of the day. It gave me a feeling of growing like a wild grass. Some people would be more than happy with this situation– but years later I analysed that their“relaxed” presence created a lack of confidence in me. An education to manhood is essentia, especially from a father to a son. It made me very shy and had to fight twice for things in life.
For a time I was called the frog at my school but luckily I was fun and goofy– a powerful weapon not to be pushed around but be cool. And still, my brother and his band of buddies were top on the respect line – who dared to hit me, was hit double in turn.
Bern is called a bilingual city. The truth is – it’s still Swiss German. You had to make yourself respected on the way back home from school. My dad was French taught and had to fist fight his everyday at German school until he mastered his second language. Likewise I used to walk home or sometimes hop on a bus that would stop 500m from my home. That last stretch of walk seemed like a boot camp and the only way through was crossing the gardens of a private – manor like building -association for youngsters misfits. It was like a mission: first crossing the victorian style entrance, hiding behind one of the gate columns to wait and spot if the “way was free”. Then walk, never run, which was too suspicious, in the hope of not crossing the “enemy”. Once, my nightmare came true, with no way back. Mid way to my path , the bell rang and out came the hive of my doom. One particular punk looking kid looked me up, stopped me by the shoulder and stared (my legs shacked, my fist all sweaty, ready to take a beating) with the killer question:
“Where you think you are going?” in a strong Swiss German … I posed and replied the only thing going straight in my head – “home … right up there”… “oh, yeah … sure, see ya” – he replied and let me pass safely. I learned that: Not everything is what it seems, there is always two sides to a story, learn your languages – it’s a life saver in many senses.
School, friends, brother fights, boyscouts, lake summers and mountain winters – these were the regulars of a young swiss kid. Good education, good air, and boredom … boredom? I loved the city vivacity and hated the lonely, long lapses of time. During my parents“off” weekends they would drop us separately at my grand-parents places; my sister & brother in one and me in another (in turns). My mothers’ parents where fervent catholics, with straight education, imposed etiquette and simply cooked food. Not ideal for a kid like me – but my grandpa had nice old toys like Russian meccanos,woode Napoleonian soldiers, stone constructions cubes and lots to do in the garden … until night arrived. On Sunday nights the happy factor would vanish and my loneliness would grow impatient: my grandpa had a lounge chair with a paper stack desk in front of a large carrel window facing up the hill - from which you could see the road afar coming down from the countryside upfront. After dinner I would sit there for hours (if necessary); the master clock in the corridor would go forth and back, precise and everlasting “tang – tong –tang – tong” , with a big “dong” every quarter of an hour. Desperately waiting to spot two little round headlights – the ones of my parents mini-cooper – the sure sign of them picking me up and the certainty of not being abandoned. I never felt the sorrow of the passage of time so deeply in my heart. Still now, I hate clocks.
FRANCE, 1988 - 1993
The last few days of schools before summer came with a big surprise: my dad was to be promoted in Paris– “PARIS!” jealously screamed some girls in my class. I was listening to New Wave & MTV, electronic devices were starting to pop up all over and the Wall was about to fall. In my head I was very excited – I thought Paris was like New York – and still anxious to move school again.
Paris was not New York. The city had not been changed that much by cultural revolutions. My first encounter with my new classmate made me look like a “provincial”. Most of them were“blasé” youngsters - a definition for the nonchalant and uninteresting because of frequent exposure or indulgence. A lot of them were out of post 69 remarried families and either rightist bourgeois or caviar socialists. It took me a while to“assimilate” the French culture, Moliere and Céline and at times the over intellectualised educational model.
But Paris is probably the most beautiful city in the world and a gem of architecture and culture; and for the first time my “urbanity” was satisfied and I enjoyed a good deal of my late youth. Paris is also the night rain washing away my first broken heart tears, where I day dreamed of fame and fortune Place Saint-Sulpice and among Orsay’s masterpieces and got mid night champagne dazed with friends after a home party at the foot of Louvre’s Pyramid. Paris was always my muse, the one who whispered to me “don’t go” when I decided to wrote my most serious letter to my parents to tell them I would study here and not follow them in New York; the one who pushed me away from the famed industrial design school“Ateliers St-Sabin” and guided me that morning in the narrow street of rue Bourg Tibourg … the first day of the rest of my life, there she stood, my Chinese girl, luminous, captivating.
Never, NEVER (I was so shy) had I talked to a girl first - especially the first day and the first person to be there. I was being pulled towards her like a beam of an alien spaceship, looked straight at her and said:
“Hello, are you from China?”
从莫斯科到北京1973 夏
我出生在瑞士伯尔尼。当时正值20世纪70年代中期,冷战正处于最紧张的时刻。那时的纽约还是一座疯狂的城市,大银幕上放映的是《星球大战》,苹果公司还在车库里创业维艰。和大家通常所认为的瑞士人都是含着金钥匙出生的想法不同,我的家庭背景并无亮眼之处。我的爷爷是名火车司机,我的父亲则是白手起家凭着自己的辛劳自力更生。或许我是从母亲这边遗传到了一些艺术特质。父亲一辈子都在为瑞士航空公司工作,早年间还曾被派往国外担任全球业务的管理职位。这也是为什么我会成为一名“un enfant du voyage”—“环球旅行家的儿子”。我觉得这其中最美妙的事情是,我相信1972年和1973年这两年不仅决定了我的生日(5月1日),还极大地影响了我之后的命运。当时我的父母正在俄罗斯莫斯科任职,那时他们还曾去过北京。
加纳 阿克拉1976-1980
除了每个星期天难熬的三个小时教堂礼拜时间—通常礼拜开始没多久我就开始呼呼大睡,周末大部分时间我们都是在户外度过的。我在5岁时喝下了人生中第一瓶啤酒,那时我一个人被留在了保龄球场里的啤酒俱乐部里,那时通常父母会把我们留在这种暗藏诱惑却又十分舒适的地方,让我们一觉睡到天黑。周末时到处都在举办泳池派对。那时我还被起了一个新的外号—灌木丛男孩—而之前人们经常会叫我“椅子上的狐猴”“沙发上的猎豹”和“地毯上的毛毛虫”等稀奇古怪的名字。 周末还意味着享受海滩游玩的时间到了。我们会在车里塞进尽可能多的人—小孩和小狗会被打发到后备厢甚至前排座位的地板上,然后沿着长满灌木坑洼不平的沙土路开上一个半小时去到海边。很多人用竹子在海滩上搭了临时的小屋。我们搭起吊床,摆上各式各样的烤肉架、米饭沙拉和餐具,当大人们没完没了地玩着桥牌或者打盹时,我们小孩子们则在沙滩上尽情地挖沙子和玩寻宝游戏。非洲的海岸线充满了野性气息,巨大的海浪打起的水花随着海风四处飘散,成排的椰子树高大的躯干倒向了大海的一边,一年又一年地承受着海浪的冲刷。
魁北克 蒙特利尔1980-1981
瑞士 伯尔尼1981-1988
那些年我的父亲经常在外出差,大部分时间都不在家,而我母亲每天很多时间也都是忙忙碌碌。因此那时候我感觉自己就像是一棵自由疯狂生长的野草。有些人可能会比较喜欢这种状态,但是多年以后我再仔细回顾这些年月的时候,发现父母的缺席一定程度上造成了我缺乏自信的性格,尤其是父亲与儿子之间关系的疏离影响更是巨大,因为父子间关于如何成为一个“男人”的教育是十分必要的。这使得我变得非常害羞,在面对生活中的难题时不得不比别人付出更多的努力。 我在学校里曾经一度被人叫作“法国佬”,但好在我还算是风趣幽默,这是消解其他同学欺凌的有力武器之一,当然我哥哥和他的一票朋友们在学校的地位很高,如果有人来欺负我的话,他们则会让对方加倍奉还。
我的父母是虔诚的天主教徒,受过良好的教育,强调生活中的礼节,平时家里的饭菜也很简单。对一个小孩子来说,这些没什么值得高兴的。好在我的祖父家里有些很棒的旧玩具,比如苏联的金属模型、木头做的拿破仑士兵、石头积木等,更别说花园里还有更多有意思的事情可以做了。到了星期天晚上,高兴的时光结束了,那种令人难以忍受的孤独感重新袭来。祖父有一张躺椅和一张堆满书的小桌子一起放在小阅览室里。阅览室宽大的窗户对着大山,通往城市的道路从山上延伸而来,在这里一览无余。如果父母没有来接我的话,晚饭后我就几个小时地坐在这里;走廊里的大钟表不疾不徐,不停重复着钟摆“嘀—嗒—嘀—嗒”的声音,每过十五分钟就会“咚”的一声报一次时。我就坐在那里,焦急地期待着看到两个圆圆的车大灯的出现—那是我父母那辆Mini Cooper的车灯,看到这两个灯就知道他们回来接我了,没有把我一个人扔在这里。时间的流逝从未让我感到如此伤感和沉重。直到现在,我依然对钟表心怀厌恶。
暑假前的最后几天传来了一个让人惊喜的消息:我的父亲要升迁去巴黎任职了!“巴!黎!”我们班上的几个女孩子听到后羡慕地大声喊起来。当时我正在收听New Wave& MTV,那个时候电子设备刚刚开始流行起来,柏林墙也即将被推倒。我内心深处其实是非常兴奋的,当时我以为巴黎跟纽约是差不多的,但是我又对需要再次转学有一些焦虑。
巴黎一直是给我灵感的缪斯,当我决定写一封最严肃的信,告诉我的父母我将留在这里学习,不会跟随他们前往纽约时,是她在我耳边细语:“不要走。”是她带我走出了久负盛名的工业设计学院Ateliers St-Sabin,又带我走进了狭窄的Bourg Tibourg街巷,在那里我的人生有了全新的开始。走进这条小巷时,前面站着将要改变我一生的中国女孩,神采奕奕,一下子就将我完全俘获。