朱凤瀚、徐勇编著的《先秦史研究概要》一书于1996年7月由天津教育出版社出版。该书分十章,54万字。其中,概括了先秦史的研究沿革,分析、归纳了有关研究成果,评述了不同学术观点,预测了先秦史研究动态及未来发展趋势,介绍了先秦史特有的研究方法和手段。该书有以下三个特点: 一、概括全面。先秦距今年代久远,文献资料颇为零散。由于这一时期跨度极长,研究成果又浩如烟海。这一少一多不仅令初学者难寻门径,即使是专门研究人员也往往苦于耗费时力。该书作者博览群书,广泛涉猎,对零散的史料和繁多的研究成果作了大量综合、整理工作,比较全面地概括了先秦时期的文献史料和后世研究成果。该书不但列细目分述国内学者的研究状况,而且分十个专题介绍了日本
Zhu Fenghan, edited by Xu Yong, “a prehistoric history of research,” a book in July 1996 by the Tianjin Education Publishing House. The book is divided into ten chapters, 54 words. It summarizes the research history of pre-Qin history, analyzes and summarizes relevant research results, reviews different academic views, forecasts the research trends of pre-Qin history and future trends, and introduces the unique research methods and means of pre-Qin history. The book has the following three characteristics: First, a comprehensive overview. Pre-Qin from the ancient times, the literature is rather fragmented. Due to the extremely long span of this period, the research results are vast. This less than a dozen not only make beginners hard to find a path, even the specialized researchers often suffer from time-consuming. The author of this book has extensively studied and extensively studied it. He made a great deal of work on the scattered historical materials and numerous research achievements, and summarized the historical documents and the research results of later generations in the pre-Qin period. The book is not only a breakdown of the status of the study of domestic scholars, but also on a special topic introduced in Japan