金匮肾气丸 ,系东汉张仲景《金匮要略》书中的著名方剂。金匮肾气丸由干地黄、山茱萸、山药、泽泻、茯苓、牡丹皮、肉桂、附子八味药组成。。本方性温 ,味以甘酸辛为主 ,具有甘温、酸温、辛温而微淡微苦的特点。有温补下元、壮肾通阳、化气行水、消肿止渴、引火归元、纳气固本
Jinkui Shenqi Pills is a famous prescription in the book “The Golden Chamber” by Zhang Zhongjing in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Jinkui Shenqi Pill consists of Radix Rehmanniae, Hawthorn, Chinese Yam, Alisma, Poria, Cortex Moutan, Cinnamon, and Aconite. . The nature of this formula is warm, and the taste is mainly pungent and has the characteristics of warm temperature, warm temperature, and mild temperature. There are warm supplements and lower yuan, Zhuangshen Tong Yang, gas, water, swelling and thirst quencher, igniting the fire to restore the yuan