“这架山有你的步履,那道沟有你的足迹,青山为你作证,百姓为你树碑……”这是西峡县重阳乡芦沟村群众为南阳卫校驻村队员范成甫谱写的一首民歌。 范成甫已52岁,是向阳市卫生学校附属医院的一名医生,他因意外事故造成一条腿残疾,在第二批驻村工作中因成绩突出,被推荐为市优秀驻村工作队员,并被授予“南阳市优秀共产党员”的称号。今年,他又主动请缨,恳请组织上再次派他去驻村。就这样,范成甫第二次来到西峡县重阳乡驻村了。 驻村后,兜早带着听诊器,为群众把脉看病,宣传普及防治非典知识,在半个月的时间里,范成甫瘸着腿跑遍了全村12个组。用听诊器拉近了与群众的距离,用医术
“This mountain has your footsteps, that ditch has your footprints, Aoyama testifies for you, the people for your tree monument ... ...” This is Xixia County Chongyang Lu Village residents for the Nanyang School in the village Fancheng Fu wrote A folk song. Fan Chengfu, 52, is a doctor in the Affiliated Hospital of Xiangyang Health School. He was disabled as a result of an accident and was recommended as an outstanding city resident in the second batch of work in the village. Awarded “Nanyang outstanding communist” title. This year, he volunteered again and urged the organization to send him to the village again. In this way, Fan Chengfu second came to Xixia County Chongyang Township in the village. In the village, his pocket with a stethoscope early, pulse pulse for the masses, propaganda and prevention of atypical pneumonia knowledge, in half a month, Fan Chengfu lame legs traveled across the village 12 groups. With the stethoscope to narrow the distance with the masses, with medicine