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棉麦套作是我国棉麦产区主要的两熟制种植方式。小麦、棉花在田间的合理配置是充分利用农业资源,夺取棉花高产优质的基础。近年来,棉麦两熟制种植面积发展迅速,田间配置方式各种各样,其中主要模式有3:1式、3:2式、4:2式和6:2式。对不同种植模式的有关技术,棉田群体光能分布及干物质积累与分配的研究已有一些报道。但是,考虑棉麦两种作物共生,比较系统地研究棉田生态因子的变化还未见有报道。因此,本文从棉花移栽前,棉麦共生期及棉花花铃期等备时段,对棉田生态因子的变化进行了较系统的观测,旨在阐明棉麦套作不同配置模式的棉田生态效应,为筛选棉麦套作的优化配置提供依据。 Cotton and wheat sets for cotton and wheat producing areas in China is the main two-cropping system. The rational allocation of wheat and cotton in the field is to make full use of agricultural resources and seize the basis of high yield and quality of cotton. In recent years, cotton and wheat two-cropping system developed rapidly, the field configuration of a wide range of different modes, including the main 3: 1, 3: 2, 4: 2 and 6: 2 type. Some reports have been made on the related techniques of different cropping patterns, the distribution of light energy and the accumulation and distribution of dry matter in cotton fields. However, considering the symbiosis of cotton and wheat, it has not been reported that the ecological factors in cotton field should be systematically studied. Therefore, this paper systematically observed the changes of ecological factors in cotton field before cotton transplanting, cotton-wheat symbiosis and cotton boll-setting period, aiming to clarify the ecological effects of cotton-wheat intercropping in different configuration modes, To provide a basis for screening the optimal configuration of cotton and wheat sets.
本刊讯4月24日,1999年度陕西新闻奖评选揭晓,共有308件作品获奖,其中一等奖(包括特别奖)45件,二等奖107件,三等奖156件。另外,还评出广播电视优秀节目编排10件,好版面20个,好专栏10个,好标题27个。 过去的一年,我国
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