近年来,国外粉煤灰的综合利用已经发生一些重大变化。主要表现有以下五点: 一、治理粉煤灰的指导思想,已从过去的单纯卫生角度,转变为目前的环境保护角度以及确认它是一种新资源的角度加以综合治理。二、粉煤灰处置的方法,已从过去的消极牲存为主,转向目前的以综合利用为主。三、粉煤灰综合利用的途径,已从过去的筑路、填方、堆肥等低级途径,发展到目前的提取金属和空心微珠;生产建材和化肥;作为化工原料和能源使用等高级途径。四、粉煤灰作为一种原料,已从过去的完全自用,转向部份出口。五、粉煤灰综合利用的企业,已从过去的大多数亏损或只有微利,转向目前的大多数有很高济效益经。
In recent years, major changes have taken place in the comprehensive utilization of foreign fly ash. The main performances are the following five points: First, the guiding ideology for the management of fly ash has changed from a purely hygienic point of view to a current perspective of environmental protection and confirming that it is a new resource and comprehensively governing it. Second, the method for the disposal of fly ash has shifted from the previous negative livestock deposits to the current comprehensive utilization. Third, the comprehensive utilization of fly ash, from the past road building, filling, composting and other low-level ways to the current extraction of metal and hollow micro beads; production of building materials and chemical fertilizers; as a chemical raw materials and energy use and other advanced ways . 4. As a raw material, fly ash has shifted from its own use in the past to partial exports. V. The comprehensive utilization of fly ash has shifted most of the past losses or only margins to the current high level of economic efficiency.