对从广州市某医院儿科病房腹泻儿童粪便中检测获得的46株产肠毒性大肠杆菌(ETEC)的4种遗传型(LT-h、sT-p、ST-h和CFA/I)菌株,用14种常用抗生素进行敏感试验和质粒特征分析,结果:在124株大肠杆菌中,分别用ETEC的4种 ̄(32)P-DNA基因探针检测,总阳性率为37.10%(46/124),ST-p的阳性率最高,占60.87%(28/46),有三例病人分别受到2株具有不同遗传型ETEC感染。药物敏感试验,多数的菌株对青霉素G(100%)、红霉素(73.91%)、氨苄青霉素(69.57%)和羧苄青霉素(65.22%)有抗性,82.61%以上的菌株对多粘菌素B、氟哌酸、庆大霉素和先锋霉素V是敏感的,46株ETEC的质粒携带率为63.04%(29/46),各菌株之间的质粒图谱不尽相同,菌株的质粒携带数1-11个不等,分子量1.1-75.6Md.发现抗四环素和氯霉素的菌株中,质粒的含量有显著差异(χ ̄2=15.99、P<0.01)。
Four genotypes (LT-h, sT-p, ST-h and CFA / I) of 46 strains of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) that were detected from the stool samples of children with diarrhea from a hospital pediatric ward in Guangzhou City were treated with 14 kinds of commonly used antibiotics were used for sensitivity test and plasmid characterization. Results: In 124 E.coli strains, the total positive rate of ETEC was 37.10% (46 / 124). The positive rate of ST-p was the highest, accounting for 60.87% (28/46). Three patients were infected with 2 different ETECs. Most of the strains were resistant to penicillin G (100%), erythromycin (73.91%), ampicillin (69.57%) and carbenicillin (65.22%) by drug sensitivity test, while 82.61 The strains above% were sensitive to polymyxin B, norfloxacin, gentamicin and cephalosporin V, and the plasmid carrying rate of 46 ETECs was 63.04% (29/46). Among the strains, The plasmid map varies, the strains carrying plasmid number ranging from 1-11, the molecular weight of 1.1-75.6Md. Plasmids were found to be significantly different among strains resistant to tetracycline and chloramphenicol (χ2 = 15.99, P <0.01).