起居注册 ,简称起居注 ,是我国古代一种记载帝王言行的专册 ,由历代帝王的近侍臣工担任记录编撰 ,属于编年类日记体史料 ,也是后世史官纂修正史的主要依据。由于年代久远和封建王朝兴替、战乱等诸多原因 ,历代的起居注册大都已损佚殆尽了。所幸只有清代自康熙朝至宣统朝的起居
Living Registration, referred to as the living note, is an ancient monograph that records the words and deeds of the imperial court. It is compiled by the imperial clan minister of ancient dynasties and belongs to the diary historical materials of the chronological category. It is also the main basis for the revision of historical records by later historians. Due to the age-old and feudal dynasties, war and many other reasons, most of the previous registration of residence has been lost. Fortunately, only the Qing Dynasty from the Kangxi Dynasty to Xuan Tong Dynasty living