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岛礁建设是国际法认可的增加国家领土或扩大国家管辖范围的方式之一,只要行为国遵守相应的国际法规范,岛礁建设便无可指摘。人为建设势必对岛礁的“权利基础”和“划界效力”的认定带来冲击。岛礁建设所依托的海洋地物是判断建设后“权利基础”的重要依据,而岛礁的面积与地理位置则是确定“划界效力”的关键因素。中国在南海的岛礁建设,是在自身管辖海域内依托现有岛礁而实施的人为添附,并未损害其他国家或国际社会的利益,其合法性毋庸置疑。未来在南海岛礁建设过程中,中国一方面应考虑出台官方立场文件阐述岛礁建设缘由,并继续履行相应的国际法义务;另一方面还应充分挖掘和开发岩礁的经济价值,避免落入他国设置的“人工岛屿”陷阱。 The construction of reefs is one of the ways recognized by international law to increase the territory of a nation or extend the scope of its national jurisdiction. As long as the belipping state complies with the relevant norms of international law, reef construction can not be blamed. Man-made construction will inevitably impact on the identification of the “basis of rights” and the “delimitation effect” of island reefs. The reef reef building relies on marine features as an important basis for judging the “foundation of rights” after construction. The area and geographical location of the reefs are the key factors for determining the “demarcation effect”. China’s reef building in the South China Sea is an artificial attachment relied on the existing islands and reefs in its own jurisdiction without any prejudice to the interests of other countries or the international community. In the future, during the process of building the South China Sea islands and reefs, China should consider issuing an official position document to explain the reasons for the construction of the islands and reefs and continue to fulfill their obligations under international law. On the other hand, China should fully exploit and develop the economic value of the rock islands and avoid falling into other countries Set the “artificial island ” trap.
1980年 11月在江西省高安县发现的元代瓷器窖藏,因其出土瓷器数量之多,质量之精,釉色之美,品种之齐,窑系之广都系其它任何元瓷窖藏所无法比拟而名闻天下。该窖藏出土的 19件景德镇
综述了近几年来利用靛红代替芳香醛参与多组分反应,并合成相关螺杂环化合物的最新研究进展,同时还对其发展方向加以展望. In this paper, the recent progress in the use o