股票期权是指给予公司内中高级经理人员按某一定设定价格购买本公司股票的权利。我国国有企业推行股票期权制度存在 :( 1)适用范围的狭窄性 ;( 2 )所有权的不完全性 ;( 3)风险的不对称性 ;( 4 )稳定人才的相对性等缺陷。为了使股票期权制的激励效果得到充分发挥 ,我们应采取如下对策 :( 1)对股票期权制度本身进行合理设计 ;( 2 )为股票期权制度运行提供必要的制定环境。
Stock options refer to the senior management of the company given a certain set price of the company’s stock purchase rights. The existence of the stock option system of state-owned enterprises in our country exists: (1) the narrow scope of application; (2) the incompleteness of ownership; (3) the asymmetry of risk; (4) the shortcomings of stabilizing the relativity of qualified personnel. In order to give full play to the incentive effect of the stock option system, we should take the following measures: (1) Rational design of the stock option system itself; (2) Provide the necessary environment for the establishment of the stock option system.