A method for the reconstruction of the plasma boundary in the sino-united sphericaltokamak (SUNIST) based on the outer plasma magnetic diagnostics is reported. In SUNIST, themagnetic flux loop integral signals were measured recently and the plasma boundary could bereconstructed well with a current filament (CF) model by setting 2 to 8 current filaments. Thereare three additional filament positional parameters in addition to the filament current to minimizethe square root error in the CF model. The plasma configuration obtained with the CF methodis consistent with the visible plasma image from the CCD camera. The average difference in theminor radii for the plasma boundary, by applying the CF model and EFIT code, is below 6 mm.
A method for the reconstruction of the plasma boundary in the sino-united spherical tokamak (SUNIST) based on the plasma plasma in the sino-united spherical to in the sino-united spherical tookamak (SUNIST) based on the outer plasma magnetic diagnostics is reported. (CF) model by setting 2 to 8 current filaments. There are There are root square error in the CF model. The plasma configuration obtained with the CF method is consistent with the visible plasma image from the CCD camera. The average difference in the minor radii for the plasma boundary, by applying the CF model and EFIT code, is below 6 mm.