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  The verb“go” is one of the first verbs to learn in English, but many students make mistakes with it, especially in the past tense —“went”.
  1. He usually goes shopping at this store.
  He went shopping here yesterday.
  2. They’re going on a trip to Chicago.
  3. Bobby goes to see a lot of movies.
  He went with his friends last week, but today he decided to go by himself.
  4. I have to go to the bathroom.
  In public places...
  I have to go to the restroom. Or men’s room / ladies’ room / washroom
  5. Water goes into a tea kettle.
  The tea kettle goes on the stove where the water is heated.
  6. The little girl can’t go into this section of the house.
  She can only go to those areas of the house that are safe.
  7. Where does my name go? It goes on the top line. Okay?
When I was in elementary school, I got into a major discussion with a boy in my class. I have forgotten what the discussion was about, but I have never forgotten the lesson I learned that day.  I was
(Helping your kids to make their own Valentine Cards is fun and rewarding, and of course the cards mean so much more to the persons who receive them ... the perfect Valentine Day crafts for kids! We h
My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to be a short girl. I was shorter than any other girl in my class. In order to grow taller, I made a decision to run eight miles every morning a
网络热词为何那么“热”    “蚁族闹蜗居,神马驾浮云”,从虚拟世界到现实生活,网络热词已经成为一种醒目的社会现象和文化存在,其影响越来越难以忽视。  网络热词走红,最根本的原因是当今社会的发展和进步,它集中表现了国人的参与意识和监督意识,也反映了“雷人”、调侃、“山寨”等社会心理和文化征候。  从最初的网络流行语到现在的网络热词,其实已经实现了一次“华丽转身”:由网友们别出心裁、主要只是自娱自乐
出自佛家的时间观    在电视剧旧版《三国演义》中,刘备三顾茅庐三顾之时,让关羽、张飞在院内等候。无聊之际,关羽频频查看一件向阳而示的圆盘,圆心处立有一根铁针,四周标有刻度。这其实就是中国古代最早的计时工具——日晷。随着太阳在天空运行,晷针的投影像钟表的指针一样在晷面上移动,以此指示时辰。  但如果是阴雨天,古人又怎么办?智慧的古人运用滴水计时法发明了一种水钟,即漏刻,又叫漏壶。漏壶分播水壶和受水
Dota 2 is a competitive multiplayer game in which two sides of five attempt to destroy each other’s Ancient a huge building at the heart of each side’s base. The game takes place from a top-down view,
优孟是春秋时期楚国宫廷中的一个乐师,不但能歌善舞,而且能言善辩,经常把对君王的劝谏之词暗喻于谈笑之间,从而收到满意的效果。  却说楚庄王特别喜爱一匹好马,让它披上艳丽的丝绸,住进豪华的屋宇,室内的地上还铺有“露床”,喂的饲料都是一般人也享受不到的枣脯、桃脯等。这匹养尊处优的马越长越肥,竟然死了。楚庄王伤心得很,命令群臣一律身穿丧服,为此马吊祭,并打算把它殓进棺椁中,以大夫的礼节安葬。大臣们纷纷谏诤
(Gujranwala, Pakistan)  You are really sweet  You do for us good deeds  I love u I love u  Mom and Dad  Never be sad  Nothing to wish  Nothing to say.  Just live happy that’s what I pray  I love u I l
乌鸦鸦鸦叫,春天来临了,  农夫种玉米,美餐犒我饱。  水鸭鸭鸭叫,春天运气好,  池冷变温暖,结伴游泳笑。  青蛙蛙蛙叫,跃出地泽沼,  公平共和煦,爱春偕歌鸟。
A mother duck was hatching (孵化) eggs. On a beautiful sunny day, the eggs broke open. One of the little ducks looked very different and ugly. It was grey in color and was bigger and stronger than other