Previous studies of Zhang Yan’s “Etymology” are not few, but the research on the theory of Yahua and its influence is still not enough. This essay holds that the etymology of Yin-Etiquette includes four aspects: the poetic poem, the elegance of romance, the non-heroic etiquette, the law of temperament harmonizing. Its main influence is the western Zhejiang Ci School in the Qing Dynasty. Although the theory of Ci school in Changzhou is very different from that in western Zhejiang, it is extremely derogatory from Zhang Yan, but from the shadow of Etymology theory of “Etymology”. By the time of Wang Guowei, Zhang Yan was denied a great influence on the judgments of this authority, which made the “etymology” once depreciated. However, after all, many scholars disagreed with Wang’s evaluation and reevaluated their influence.