今天,是西藏和平解放40周年。 40年来,道路虽然坎坷,但是,在党的关怀下,高原新闻事业这块“处女地”,经过新闻工作者的辛勤耕耘,已成为一片希望的田野。艰苦奋斗结硕果西藏——世界屋脊。这里,自然条件和物质条件都相当艰苦。在艰苦的条件下创业,当然离不开奋斗。让我们翻开《西藏日报》的创业史。40年前,正当人民解放军和
Today is the 40th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet. In the past 40 years, though the road has been bumpy, under the care of the party, the “virgin land” for the news on the plateau has become a field of hope through the hard work of journalists. Hard work and great achievements in Tibet - the roof of the world. Here, the natural conditions and material conditions are quite difficult. Entrepreneurship under difficult conditions certainly can not do without struggle. Let us open the history of the founding of “Tibet Daily.” 40 years ago, the People’s Liberation Army and