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6.1 浪漫主义作为一种创作风格和创作方法,古已有之,而作为一种文学思潮和文学运动,则产生于18世纪末的欧洲,并在19世纪最初30年内达到高潮。浪漫主义文学的基本特征是:(1)针对古典主义的保守崇古的倾向,特别强调个性和天才,提倡抒发个性化的感情和艺术独创性。(2)在创作活动诸因素中,特别推崇想象力.主张用丰富的想象力把平直的生活造成斑斓的艺术形象。(3)注重社会批判,尤其是表现主观理想。(4)在艺术对象上,摈弃古典主义的宫廷城市,重视描写自然和异域风光。(5)在具体手法上,常用夸张和对比技巧。(6)在对待文学传统上,重视吸取民族民间的创作的长处。浪漫主义最 6.1 Romanticism has existed as a creative style and creative method. As a literary trend and literary movement, romanticism originated in Europe in the late 18th century and culminated in the first 30 years of the 19th century. The basic characteristics of romantic literature are as follows: (1) Preserving the conservative patriarchal tendency towards classicism, with particular emphasis on personality and genius, advocating the expression of individualized feelings and artistic originality. (2) In the creative activities of various factors, particularly respected imagination advocated a rich imagination to create a straight-laced life gorgeous artistic image. (3) pay attention to social criticism, especially the performance of subjective ideals. (4) On the object of art, abandon the classical court city, emphasizing the description of the natural and exotic scenery. (5) In the specific practices, commonly used exaggeration and contrast skills. (6) in the treatment of literary tradition, the importance of drawing on the strengths of national folk creation. Romanticism most
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