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刚刚过去的2015年,哪些人和书值得珍藏?哪些人和书影响中国?让我们来一同回顾这一年读书文化的热点所在。叶嘉莹:中国古典文化的传灯人叶嘉莹先生是中国古典文学专家,师从古典诗词名家顾随教授。她毕生致力于中国古典诗词的教学研究与普及,认为诗词渊远流长,是汉民族文化中非常值得骄傲的部分。1月出版《迦陵说诗》,3月《小词大雅》,5月《唐宋词十七讲》,9月《荷花五讲》,10月《给孩子的古 Which books and books worth cherishing in the past 2015 and who influenced the books in China? Let us review together the hot spots of this year’s book culture. Ye Jiaying: Mr. Chia-Yeh Chia, the light of Chinese classical culture, is a Chinese classical literature expert under the guidance of Professor Gu Su, a famous classical Chinese poet. She devoted her life to the teaching and popularization of classical Chinese poetry. She believes that poetry has a long history and is a very proud part of Chinese culture. January published “Jia Ling said poem”, March “Tiny”, May “Tang and Song Seventeen stresses”, September “Five Lotus”, October "to the children of ancient