1931年,一场巨大的洪水席卷了湖北省洪湖地区,数万亩良田变成了一片汪洋,数万人民流离失所,无家可归……这沉重的悲剧,使一位当时年仅6岁的农家男孩在幼小的心灵中便立下了治服洪灾的志愿。他就是今天的国际著名泥沙专家、中国工程院院士、武汉水利电力大学河流工程系博士生导师谢鉴衡教授。 1951年,从武汉大学工学院土木系毕业刚刚一年的谢鉴街又踏上了赴苏联留学之路,他选择了泥沙专业作为主攻方向。1955年,谢鉴衡以优异成绩在苏联科学院水利研究所获副博士学位后归国,开始了他
In 1931, a huge flood swept through Honghu in Hubei Province, tens of thousands of mu of fertile land turned into a vast expanse of land, and tens of thousands of people were displaced and left homeless. This heavy tragedy brought a man who was only 6 years old Farm boy in the young mind will set a volunteer to deal with floods. He is today’s internationally renowned experts in sediment, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering doctoral tutor Professor Xie Jianheng. In 1951, just a year after graduating from the Civil Engineering Department of Wuhan University, Xie Jianjie set foot on the road to study in the Soviet Union. He chose the sediment specialty as the main direction of attack. In 1955, Xie Jianheng with excellent results in the Soviet Academy of Sciences Institute of Water Resources received an associate’s degree after returning, began his