男性,76岁,因上腹部剧烈疼痛于1982年12月18日急诊入院。体检:全腹肌肉紧张,呈板状强直。 过去于1975年5月因十二指肠球部溃疡,前壁穿孔曾作胃次全切除术,病理报告为十二指肠球部慢性溃疡。入院后三次腹部透视均未见膈下有游离气体。诊断为上消化道穿孔,进行剖腹探查。术中见残胃之胃肠吻合口及向下伸延之空肠系膜有6×6×3cm~3大小肿物、质硬,表面不平坦,残胃大弯脾胃
Male, 76 years old, was admitted to the hospital on December 18, 1982 due to severe epigastric pain. Physical examination: The muscles in the entire abdomen are tense, showing a plate-like rigidity. In the past, due to a duodenal ulcer in May 1975, an anterior wall perforation was used for subtotal gastrectomy. The pathological report was chronic duodenal ulcer. There were no free gasses under the armpits on the three abdominal views after admission. Diagnosis was perforation of the upper gastrointestinal tract and laparotomy was performed. See the gastroenteric anastomosis of the remnant stomach and the jejunum mesentery of the downward extension has 6×6×3cm~3 size tumor, hard, uneven surface, remnant stomach, large curvature of the spleen and stomach