
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xieke594112
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PURPOSE: To investigate the clinical characteristics and surgical outcome of traumatic macular hole-related retinal detachment. DESIGN: Retrospective, interventional case series. METHODS: Eight eyes of eight patients with traumatic macular hole-related retinal detachment underwent vitrectomy combined with gas tamponade, either initially or subsequently. Anatomic reattachment of the retina, closure of traumatic macular hole, and visual outcome were measured. RESULTS: Successful retinal re-attachment was achieved in seven eyes (87.5%), and the macula r hole was successfully closed in all eyes (100%). Improved vision after the su rgery was noted in five eyes (62.5%), whereas three eyes (37.5%) displayed no change. CONCLUSIONS: Vitrectomy combined with gas tamponade appears to give an e ffective anatomic re-attachment rate for traumatic macular hole-related retina l detachment. The presence of peripheral retinal breaks, vitreous hemorrhage, or the extent of retinal detachment has no discernible significant influence on cl osure rate of macular hole and retinal re-attachment rate. PURPOSE: To investigate the clinical characteristics and surgical outcome of traumatic macular hole-related retinal detachment. DESIGN: Eight eyes of eight patients with traumatic macular hole-related retinal detachment underwent vitrectomy combined with gas tamponade, either RESULTS: Successful retinal re-attachment was achieved in seven eyes (87.5%), and the macula r hole was successfully closed in all eyes (100%). Improved vision after the sugege was noted in five eyes (62.5%), while three eyes (37.5%) displayed no change. CONCLUSIONS: Vitrectomy combined with gas tamponade appear to give an efective anatomic re-attachment rate for traumatic macular hole-related retina l detachment. The presence of peripheral retinal breaks, vitreous hemorrhage, or the extent of retinal detachment has no discer nible significant influence on cl osure rate of macular hole and retinal re-attachment rate.
红柳:Tamarix Chinensis又叫柽柳、三春柳,是多年生落叶小乔木,高达二米左右,红柳对气候适应性强,对大风、干旱、高温、低温均有较强的抗性,对土壤要求不严,既耐干旱,又耐水