新千年伊始,大连造船厂的经营生产形势一片大好。元月6日,喜讯传来,该厂与塞浦路斯共和国的哥伦比亚船舶管理公司的子公司——斯库勒·霍丁(Schoeller Holding Ltd)公司一举签订了4艘30000载重吨多用途船的建造合同。这是大连造船厂第一次打入塞浦路斯船舶市场所承担的系列产品,也是该厂在进入2000年后接获的第一批订单。这项合同的签订,为船厂今年的经营生产开了个好头。
At the beginning of the new millennium, the operation and production situation of Dalian Shipyard was very good. On January 6, a good news came, the factory signed a contract for the construction of four 30,000-ton deadweight multi-purpose vessels with Schoeller Holding Ltd, a subsidiary of Columbia Shipping Management Company of the Republic of Cyprus. . This is the first series of products undertaken by the Dalian Shipyard into the Cyprus ship market, and it is also the first batch of orders received by the plant after entering the year 2000. The signing of this contract has opened up a good start for the shipyard’s operation and production this year.