Chinese buyers valued in International Jewelry Tokyo
From 21-24, January, International Jewelry Tokyo was held in Tokyo. One of the highlights this year was the presence of Chinese buyers with strong buying intention.
Many Japanese exhibitors hired receptionist who could speak Chinese and also put up “Chinese Speaker Available” posters at their exhibition stands. A delegation group leader said that due to the decreasing rate of Japanese yen, his 60-person trade group had an intended purchasing amount of 1.6 million dollars, rising threefold than the previous year.
Ten successful years
In 2014,?Crocus Expo International Exhibition Center?in Moscow celebrated its 10th anniversary. During this time, the fairground pavilions hosted more than 2,000 events including exhibitions on an international scale and non-exhibition business projects of the highest level. Crocus Expo hosted more than 350 events of different sizes and profile in 2014.
Crocus Expo continued active cooperation with large foreign exhibition operators last year. In many respects, exhibition business in Russia reflects the economic situation. Crocus Expo experts are confident in their ability to withstand difficulties together with partners, participants and visitors.?
环球资源与亚洲国际博览馆续约至 2018 年
2014年12月,环球资源与亚洲国际博览馆管理有限公司签订总值约为2,130万美元的续约协议,公司将于2017及 2018年继续在香港亚洲国际博览馆(“亚博馆”)举办其享负盛名的系列展览会,环球资源保留于4月及10月一年两次在亚博馆举办贸易展览会的权利。
环球资源每年于亚博馆举办 20多场贸易展览会,涵盖的行业包括消费类电子产品、电子零件、移动电子产品、安防产品、礼品及赠品、家居用品、流行服饰配件、服装及面料和内衣及泳衣等。在2014年,环球资源于香港举办的系列展览会共计展示了超过14,200个展位,并成功吸引近143,000位买家到场参观。(刘一凯)
Global Sources hosts its shows at AsiaWorld-Expo through 2018
Global Sources?has renewed its contract to host its trade shows at AsiaWorld-Expo (AWE) in Hong Kong in 2017 and 2018 for approximately US$ 23.1 million. The company will retain the right to host its events twice a year, in April and October, at AWE. In 2014, these shows attracted nearly 143,000 buyers and featured more than 14,200 booths.
"Since 2006, we’ve hosted all of our primary shows in Hong Kong at AsiaWorld-Expo and it has proven to be a popular venue for overseas buyers and suppliers across Asia to meet and do business," said Spenser Au, CEO of Global Sources. Global Sources hosts more than 20 trade shows annually at AsiaWorld-Expo, covering industries including consumer electronics, electronic components, mobile electronics, security products, gifts & premiums, home products, fashion accessories, garments & textiles and underwear & swimwear.
Chinese buyers valued in International Jewelry Tokyo
From 21-24, January, International Jewelry Tokyo was held in Tokyo. One of the highlights this year was the presence of Chinese buyers with strong buying intention.
Many Japanese exhibitors hired receptionist who could speak Chinese and also put up “Chinese Speaker Available” posters at their exhibition stands. A delegation group leader said that due to the decreasing rate of Japanese yen, his 60-person trade group had an intended purchasing amount of 1.6 million dollars, rising threefold than the previous year.
Ten successful years
In 2014,?Crocus Expo International Exhibition Center?in Moscow celebrated its 10th anniversary. During this time, the fairground pavilions hosted more than 2,000 events including exhibitions on an international scale and non-exhibition business projects of the highest level. Crocus Expo hosted more than 350 events of different sizes and profile in 2014.
Crocus Expo continued active cooperation with large foreign exhibition operators last year. In many respects, exhibition business in Russia reflects the economic situation. Crocus Expo experts are confident in their ability to withstand difficulties together with partners, participants and visitors.?
环球资源与亚洲国际博览馆续约至 2018 年
2014年12月,环球资源与亚洲国际博览馆管理有限公司签订总值约为2,130万美元的续约协议,公司将于2017及 2018年继续在香港亚洲国际博览馆(“亚博馆”)举办其享负盛名的系列展览会,环球资源保留于4月及10月一年两次在亚博馆举办贸易展览会的权利。
环球资源每年于亚博馆举办 20多场贸易展览会,涵盖的行业包括消费类电子产品、电子零件、移动电子产品、安防产品、礼品及赠品、家居用品、流行服饰配件、服装及面料和内衣及泳衣等。在2014年,环球资源于香港举办的系列展览会共计展示了超过14,200个展位,并成功吸引近143,000位买家到场参观。(刘一凯)
Global Sources hosts its shows at AsiaWorld-Expo through 2018
Global Sources?has renewed its contract to host its trade shows at AsiaWorld-Expo (AWE) in Hong Kong in 2017 and 2018 for approximately US$ 23.1 million. The company will retain the right to host its events twice a year, in April and October, at AWE. In 2014, these shows attracted nearly 143,000 buyers and featured more than 14,200 booths.
"Since 2006, we’ve hosted all of our primary shows in Hong Kong at AsiaWorld-Expo and it has proven to be a popular venue for overseas buyers and suppliers across Asia to meet and do business," said Spenser Au, CEO of Global Sources. Global Sources hosts more than 20 trade shows annually at AsiaWorld-Expo, covering industries including consumer electronics, electronic components, mobile electronics, security products, gifts & premiums, home products, fashion accessories, garments & textiles and underwear & swimwear.