2014年5月15日,中美经济史学交流会在清华大学成功召开。这次会议也是“清华一北大一南开一社科院经济史沙龙”的一部分,由清华大学市场与社会研究中心、北京大学光华管理学院和中国经济史学会联合举办。来自国内外十多所院校科研机构的80多位教授、研究生与博士后与会。一、美国经济史研究回溯与动态美国经济史学会执行董事、亚利桑那大学普莱斯·费希拜克(Price Fishback)教授做了题为“Recent Trends in Economic History”(经济史研究最新趋势)的报告,介绍了美国经济史研究近50年以来的发展趋
On May 15, 2014, the Sino-American Economic History Exchange was successfully held in Tsinghua University. The conference is also part of the “History of Sharon in Economic History of Nankai ASTRI at Tsinghua University,” organized by Tsinghua University Market and Social Research Center, Guanghua School of Management and China Economic History Association. More than 80 professors, postgraduates and postdocs from over 10 academic institutions at home and abroad attended the conference. I. A Review of the History of the Study of the U.S. Economic History Back to the top of the page Recent trends in economic history by Professor Price Fishback, executive director of the American Economic History Institute and professor of economics at the University of Arizona, ), Introduced the development trend of the research on American economic history since the past 50 years