How to understand relations between parts of a text

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  【Abstract】There are various ways of linking structurally-independent sentences together to produce a meaningful text. Of which the commoner ones are reference, hyponymy, equivalence, ellipsis, etc. you must have a good understanding of these links, so as to grasp the text as a whole.
  【Key words】reference; hyponymy; equivalence; ellipsis
  1. Reference
  One common way of linking structurally-independent sentences in order to get a meaningful text is to use words such as this, that, it, they, which refer to something already mentioned(anaphora)or to something which is going to be mentioned(cataphora). Failure to understand such referential links will probably lead to a serious misunderstanding of the text.
  The following exercise will be useful to help you perceive these links through a careful reading of the text.
  Exercise1.1 Read the passage carefully and point out what the italicized words refer to in the text.
  The idea of evolution was not a new one. The Greeks had thought of It,
  So had Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles, and also the Frenchman, Iamarck. It is one thing to have an idea; we can all of us guess and sometimes make a lucky guess. It is quite another thing to produce a proof the correctness of that idea. Darwin thought he had that proof in his notebooks. He saw that all animals had a struggle to survive. Those which were best at surviving their environment passed on the good qualities which had helped them to their descendants. This was called “the survival of the fittest”. For example, in a cold climate, those who have the warmest fur will. Darwin believed that this necessity for an animal to deal with its environment explained the immense variety of creatures.
  What is “it” in “The Greeks had thought of It” ?
  “it ” refers to “the idea of evolution”.(anaphora)
  What is “it” in “It is one thing to have an idea”?
  “it” refers to “to have an idea”.(cataphora)
  What is “those” in “Those which were best at surviving their environment passed on the good qualities which had helped them to their descendants”?
  “those” refers to “those animals”(anaphora)
  The nervous system of the human body has been compared to a vast telephone network, providing communications links with all parts of a big city. The brain can be viewed as a central switchboard, routing all the incoming and outgoing calls. But it is for more than this, for it also makes decisions about what is best for the body at any particular moment, and what actions need to be taken to achieve it. The brain thus is also like the mayor of the city and his whole administrative staff.   What is “it” in “But it is for more than this”?
  “it ” refers to “the nervous system of the human body”.(anaphora)
  What is “it” in “for it also makes decisions about what is best for the body at any particular moment”
  “it” also refers to “the nervous system of the human body”.(anaphora)
  What is “it” in “and what actions need to be taken to achieve it”?
  “it” refers to “decisions about what is best for the body at any particular moment”.(anaphora)
  Although he was rarely conscious of it, Phineas was always being watched, like the weather.
  What is “it” in “Although he was rarely conscious of it”?
  “it”refers to“Phineas was always being watched”.(cataphora)
  Sooner or later it had to happen, and that morning it did. “Finny’s better!” Dr. Stanpole called to me on the chapel steps over the organ recessional thundering behind us.
  What is “it” in “Sooner or later it had to happen, and that morning it did”?
  Both of “it” refer to “Finny’s better”.
  2. Hyponymy
  Hyponymy, one of the lexical cohesion devices, is the use of general words to cover more specific ones. It is very important to understand this lexical linking, or you may lose clues to successful textual understanding.
  Read the following short passages careful and answer the questions.
  One of the predominant concerns today is the future of our natural resources. This issue is of great importance because it is becoming clear to many people that our present resources will not last forever.
  What is “this issue”?
  the future of our natural resources.
  It is always dangerous to generalize; however, it seems obvious that, on the whole, men hold a higher position in society than women. Because of this status, men enjoy more power than women.
  What is “this status”?
  men hold a higher position in society than women.
  Many famous psychologists are trying to understand the problems modern people suffer from, but even these eminent scholars are confused about what causes them.
  Who are the “eminent scholars”?
  Famous psychologists.
  Monthly increments in your salary will begin next year. The increases will continue for three years.
  What is the “increases”?
  Monthly increments in your salary.
  3. equivalence
  Sometimes the writer may use a rephrasing, or an equivalent expression of what has been said before to link the structurally-independent sentences together. By recognizing this kind of lexical device, equivalence, you can get the clue to a successful understanding of the text as a whole. For instance, after mentioning Henry’s “problems” several times, the narrator refers to them as “the question” and “all his doubts”. And this equivalent expression works at the level of the paragraph and the chapter. If you fail to recognize this lexical device, you may feel at loss what are “the problems” or what are “his doubts”. The following exercises will help you to recognize equvalence in the text.   Read the following short passages carefully and try to find out equivalent expression in them.
  Mr. Allen believes that marriage is a difficult and serious matter. He wants young people to understand that there are many changes that must take place after marriage. He believes that these adjustments should be understood before people marry.
  equivalent expression: Many changes these adjustments
  Both men had convincing stories to tell concerning the missing money, but Mr. Logan’s version of what happened was by far more believable.
  equivalent expression: stories version
  Until recently we had underestimated the scope of the problem of future shock. The size of the problem is even greater than we had imagined. We didn’t realize how many areas would be affected by rapid rate of change.
  equivalent expression: the scope the size
  In order to strengthen his arguments, Toffler quotes reputable social scientists who agree with him. He hopes that, by quoting respected scholars, this arguments will be accepted by most readers.
  equivalent expression: reputable social scientists respected scholars
  4. Ellipsis
  Ellipsis, one kind of grammatical cohesion device, is the omission of certain words from a sentence, which will be needed if the construction of the sentences is to be completed. Naturally, this grammatical cohesion device may cause confusion in understanding. The following exercises will familiarize you with this device.
  Read the following short passages and try to perceive and understand the ellipsis in the texts.
  Do you sometimes misunderstand the body language of foreigners? If so, you should make allowances for both their ignorance, and your own!
  Complete the construction of “If so”.
  If so = If you do sometimes misunderstand the body language of foreigners.
  Complete the construction of “and your own”.
  and your own = and your own ignorance.
  As I had to do whenever I glimpsed this river, I thought of Phineas. Not of the tree and pain, but of one of his favorite tricks, ...
  Complete the construction of “Not of the tree and pain, but of one of his favorite tricks”.
  Not of the tree and pain, but of one of his favorite tricks=I thought of the tree and pain, but I thought of one of his favorite tricks.
  [1]Fox,B.A.:Discourse Structure and Anaphora.Cambridge University Press,1987.
  [2]Anderson J.Neil(2004).Exploring second language reading.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
  [3]Elisabeth Maie(2005).Textual relations as part of multiple links between text segments.
【摘要】自《中国学生发展核心素养》总体框架正式发布以来,各個学科都开始思考如何提高学生的核心素养。在小学英语教学中要提高学生的核心素养不应只是重视知识与技能,情感态度与价值观,更要重视知识能力价值观的综合和超越,发展学生自主发展和社会适应的能力。  【关键词】核心素养 英语教学 发展  《中国学生发展核心素养》总体框架提出,中国学生发展核心素养以科学性、时代性和民族性为基本原则,以培养“全面发展的
实施新课改以来,书面表达在初中英语教学中显得越来越重要,对学生的要求也不断在提高。然而,在每年的中考中,农村学生在这一块的得分率特别低,甚至有很多学生得零分。因此,如何培养和指导英语写作能力,使学生在中考中发挥最佳水平,拿下写作这块阵地,是一个值得我们教师探讨的问题。  在成功的英语教学中,写作教学实在是必不可少的重要环节,可惜的是,在如今的英语教学中,这本应加强的环节反而被削弱。作为一名在农村中
【摘要】英文诗歌的美学特征主要体现在韵律、意境、以及结构等方面。本文认为,教师在英文诗歌的教学中应该结合诗歌的美学特征,引导学生采用朗读、联想、品味意境等方法,感受诗歌的韵味,从而帮助学生提高英语诗歌学习热情, 增强鉴赏诗歌的能力。  【关键词】韵律 意境 结构 课堂应用  学生在中文古典诗歌的学习过程中已具有一定的鉴赏诗歌的能力。可是我们在中学阶段的英文诗歌的学习和赏析还比较欠缺。因此,我想就美
【摘要】在核心素养教育的背景下,高考更加重视对学生综合素养的考查,这不仅对学生提出了挑战,更对教师提出了新的挑战和机遇。藏区中学英语教师受地区环境影响,难免在自身素养提高方面受到限制,因此有必要通过多种渠道不断提高自身素养,谋求英语教师专业发展,提高教师人文底蕴,为社会培养更多符合要求的英语人才。  【关键词】藏区中学英语教师 自我素养 必要性 策略  中学英语教师的自我素养,从狭义的角度考虑,在
【摘要】在当今大数据的时代下,大数据通过动态、海量的数据分析和预测正在对我国的高中英语写作教学进行着全面而深远的影响,如何在大数据的时代里,改进我国高中英语写作的教学活动就显得极其重要,本文主要通过阐述大数据时代下高中英语写作教学中师生写作热情的提升、英语写作资源的改变,以及帮助学生进行个性化的高效学习,对大数据时代下的高中英语写作教学进行了探究和反思。  【关键词】大数据 高中英语写作 教学反思