草木樨状黄芪(Astraylus Melilotoldes Pan) 又名,扫帚苗、马梢。多年生草本。分布在我省坝上、由区和平原地区的沙河床地段。耐旱性极强,抗寒性居豆科牧草之首,是较好的水土保持植物和牧草。饲用价值属中等,幼嫩期为马、牛所采食,绵羊喜食叶和茎上部,开花后适口性降低,其营养成份,开花期蛋白质含量为26.8%,结果后期仅为7.15%。目前,有的研究单位正在进行驯化培育。紫花苜蓿(Med cago) Satival) 别名,紫苜蓿、苜蓿,豆科多年生划本。我国栽培历史悠久,我省从南到北广泛种植,沧州、张家口地区种植面积较大。适应性强,能耐低于-30℃的严寒,抗旱性较强,对土壤要求不严,钙质土壤中生长良好。种植第二年后亩产青草5000公斤左右,有灌溉条件的地方每年可割4-5茬,旱地刈草2
Astragalus Astragalus (Astraylus Melilotoldes Pan), also known as broom seedlings, horse shoots. Perennial herb. Distributed in the dam on the province, the district and plains Shahe bed lot. Extremely strong drought resistance, cold resistance first in legumes, is better soil and water conservation plants and pastures. The forage value was medium. The young period was taken by horses and cattle. The sheep enjoyed the upper part of leaves and stems, and the palatability of flowers decreased after flowering. The nutritional content and the flowering stage protein content were 26.8% and the final results were only 7.15%. At present, some research institutes are carrying out domestication and cultivation. Alfalfa (Medicago satival) alias, alfalfa, alfalfa, legume perennial zoning. With a long history of cultivation in our country, our province has been widely planted from south to north. Cangzhou and Zhangjiakou have a larger planted area. Adaptable, able to withstand cold below -30 ℃, drought resistance stronger, less stringent requirements on the soil, good growth in calcareous soil. The second year after the planting of about 5000 kg per mu of grass, irrigated areas can cut 4-5 annual crops, dry land mowing 2