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在水库养鱼生产中,购买或加工制作一张鱼网要花较多的资金,因此养鱼户都十分重视延长网具的使用寿命。这就要求养鱼户必须掌握以下要领: In the production of fish in reservoirs, it takes more money to purchase or process a net for fish production. Therefore, fish farms attach great importance to extending the service life of nets. This requires fish farmers must have the following essentials:
<正> 一、前言齐鲁石化公司橡胶厂丁二烯抽提装置,系采用日本瑞翁(ZEON)公司的GPB(GeonProcess of Butadiene)工艺,自碳四馏份中萃取蒸馏精制高纯度丁二烯单体的生产装置。装
Aim: To study the prevalence of HBsAg among persons without risk factors for hepatitis B. Patients and Methods: Cross-sectional study (28 January to 31 December
Purpose: Alteration of liver function during pro- gression of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and cirrhosis affects the serum glycoprotein pattern. In this study
Choledochal cysts are a congenital anomaly, and they show dilatation of the intra- or extrahepatic biliary tree. These cysts are uncommon in Western countries,
<正> 黄缘盒龟又名夹板龟,别名断板龟、克蛇龟、驼背龟。其外形略似乌龟,但与乌龟的主要区别是其背板与腹板之间借韧带相连,腹甲的胸板与
Background: Acute pancreatitis is one of the most serious complications of ERCP. Early diagnosis of post ERCP pancreatitis helps physicians to provide intensive
The recurrence of hepatitis C after a liver transplant remains an important cause of graft loss and retransplant. Antiviral therapy with peginterferon plus riba
<正> 山梨醇是籼米(碎米)经双酶糖化成葡萄糖后加氢而制得的一种食用糖醇。由于籼米(碎米)双酶法生产的山梨醇糖化转化率最高为97%,尚有3%未转化为葡萄糖,如麦芽糖、低聚糖、麦