患者,女性,52岁,发现中上腹肿块2年余。发病初无不适,近半年觉肿块明显增大,伴上愎隐痛及饱胀感。入院查体:一般状况尚可,皮肤粘膜未见黄疸。中上腹略膨隆,剑突下可触及10 cm×12 cm囊性肿块,表面光滑,有压痛,肿块较固定,边界清楚。AFP(—)、CEA(—)、HBsAg(—),余无特殊发现。临床拟诊:肝囊肿恶变。遂行剖腹探查。术中见:肝左右叶交界处见一多囊性肿物,大小约8 cm×10 cm×13
The patient, female, 52 years old, found a mass in the upper abdomen for more than two years. There was no discomfort at the onset of the disease. In the past six months, the mass was significantly enlarged, accompanied by palpable pain and a sense of fullness. Admission examination: The general condition is fair, no jaundice on the skin and mucous membranes. The upper abdomen is slightly bulging, and a cystic mass of 10 cm x 12 cm can be touched under the xiphoid surface. The surface is smooth, tender, and the mass is fixed and the boundary is clear. AFP (-), CEA (-), HBsAg (-), no special findings. Clinical diagnosis: liver cyst malignant. Exploring laparotomy. During the operation, see a polycystic mass at the junction of the left and right sides of the liver, about 8 cm×10 cm×13 in size.