聚焦be going to结构

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   “be going to”结构是本单元中的重点语法项目,它常用来表示按计划、安排将要做的事或预测将要发生的事,使用此结构时应关注以下几点:
  聚焦一、be going to 结构的特点:
  在be going to结构中,be是助动词,无词义,但要与主语的人称和数保持一致,有am, is, are三种形式,to为动词不定式符号,后须接动词原形。如:
  I’m going to play basketball with my friends this afternoon.
  聚焦二、be going to 结构的意义:
  1.be going to 结构表示主观上打算、安排在最近或将来要做的事,意为“打算做某事”。如:
  We’re going to have a picnic this Sunday.
  2.be going to 结构也可表示根据客观上的某种迹象来判断近期将要发生的事情。如:
  Look at the black clouds! It’s going to rain.
  聚焦三、be going to 结构的句式变化:
  be going to 结构的句式变化见下表:

  Han Mei is going to visit her grandparents this weekend.
  →Han Mei isn’t going to visit her grandparents this weekend.
  →Is Han Mei going to visit her grandparents this weekend?
  (Yes, she is./No, she isn’t.)
  →What is Han Mei going to do this weekend?
  聚焦四、与be going to 结构连用的时间状语:
  be going to 结构表示经过预先思考后发生的动作或状态,或有迹象表明将要发生的事情。因此,它常与this afternoon/evening,tonight,tomorrow(morning),the day after tomorrow,next week/year, next Saturday等表示将来意义的时间状语连用。
  聚焦五、be going to 结构与there be结构:
  be going to与there be合用时的结构是“there is/are going to be”,切不可认为是“there is/are going to have”,也不能丢了be。如:
  误:There is going to have a film this evening.
  误:There is going to a film this evening.
  正:There is going to be a film this evening.
  正:There is a film this evening.
  聚焦六、be going to结构的特殊用法:
  1.be going to后接表示地点的名词时,表示“打算(将要)去某地”,但后接地点副词时,应省去to。如:
  My uncle is going to Beijing next week. 我叔叔下周要去北京。
  I’m going home now. 我现在要回家。
  2.表示位置移动的动词如come, go, leave, start, fly, arrive等,可直接用这些动词的现在进行时表示将要发生的动作,而不用be going to结构。如:
  误:I’m going to go dancing this evening.
  正:I’m going dancing this evening.
  为了帮助同学们更好地理解和掌握be going to结构的用法,现提供口诀一则,供参考:
  be going to接原形,一般口语多常见;
  变否定,很简单,not 加在be后边;
  变疑问,须记清,be 应提到主语前。
  有些词,要仔细,come, go等表位移,
  通过以上学习,相信你一定了解和掌握了be going to结构的意义和用法,有信心检验一下吗?Let’s go!
   1. Tom doesn’t going to see his friend tomorrow.
   2. I’m going to go there the day after tomorrow.
   3. Li Kai is going to late.
   4. There is going to have a party tonight.
   5. Kate with her parents are going to visit the Great Wall this Sunday.
   1. My brother usually ____ (go) to bed at 9:30.
   2. We ____ (not have) bread for breakfast tomorrow morning.
   3. ——____ your sister ____ (live) in Beijing?
   ——Yes, she does. But she ____ (come) back next month.
   4. ——____ you ____ (go) shopping this weekend?
   ——No, I’m not. I ____ (have) a picnic with my friends.
   5. My family ____ (not visit) Shanghai in the summer holidays.
   6. My brother ____ (leave) for Beijing next Monday morning.
   7. There ____ (be) an English film this evening.
   8. Zhang Hua and I ____ (play) computer games this afternoon.
   9. On Sunday, Tingting usually ____ (help) to do housework. But next Sunday she ____ (do) some shopping.
  10. Xiao Ming usually ____ (get) up at 6:00. Now she ____ (get) up. She ____ (get) up at 6:30 tomorrow morning.
   1. We’re going to have some classes this Saturday.(改为否定句)
   We ____ going to have ____ classes this Saturday.
   2. The students are going to play football next Friday.(改为一般疑问句, 并作否定回答)
   ——____ the students ____ ____ ____ football next Friday?
   ——No, they ____.
   3. Daniel often helps me with my English.(用tonight改写句子)
   Daniel ____ ____ ____ ____ me with my English tonight.
   4. My parents are going to watch TV this evening.(对划线部分提问)
   ____ ____ your parents ____ ____ ____ this evening?
   5. They’re going to hike on their field trip.(改为同义句)
   They’re ____ ____ on their field trip.
  Ⅰ.1.doesn’t→isn’t 2.去掉to go 3.late前加be 4.have→be 5.are→is
  Ⅱ.1.goes 2.aren’t going to have 3.Does, live, is coming 4.Are, going, am going to have 5.aren’t going to visit 6.is leaving 7.is (going to be) 8.are going to play 9.helps, is going to do 10.gets, is getting, is going to get
  Ⅲ.1.aren’t, any 2.Are, going to play, aren’t 3.is going to help 4.What are, going to do 5.going hiking
俗话说得好:万事开头难。英语对于大部分即将升入初中的学生来说是一门崭新的学科。如何正确引导学生走上正确有效的学习道路是众多教师长期探讨的话题。  一、强化学习动机,引导学生“入门”  动机是支配行为的直接因素。外语学习的动机是直接推动外语学习的一种内部因素,是学生在外语学习活动中的一种自觉能动性、积极性的心理状态。教育学中说:“有良好的积极的学习动机,学习的效果就好;而无学习动机或只有消极的学习动
肯定形式:sb. am/is/are going to do sth.  含义:表示打算将来要做的事情。  否定形式:sb. am/is/are not going to do sth.  一般疑问形式:Is/Are sb. going to do sth.?  特殊疑问形式:How/What/Where…is/are sb. going to…?  例:1)I’m going to play s
◆because & because of  二者均有“因为”之意,但用法有别。  1)because为从属连词,引导表示原因的状语从句,可用来回答why引导的特殊疑问句。例如:  I don’t want to make friends with him because I don’t like him.  因为我不喜欢他,所以不想和他交朋友。  ——Why was he late for th
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1. 一般过去时的用法。  一般过去时表示过去某一时刻或一段时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的时间状语连用。  He went out just now. 他刚出去。  Her mother was ill yesterday. 她妈妈昨天病了。  We had a great time in those days. 那段日子我们过得很愉快。  【特别提示】  (1)表示过去的时间状语常
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以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育是当今教育改革的主旋律, 课堂教学是对学生进行创新教育的主阵地,如何真正发挥主阵地的作用,变“接受性学习”为“创造性学习”,关键在于教师。要在学习英语的过程中,提供更多愉快的学习机会和发展空间,激励学生参与学习活动的积极性,促进思维发展,培养学生独立获取知识的学习能力和勇于创新的主体意识,形成知识技能,促进学生的主体性发展。    一、激发兴趣,培养创新意识
内容提要: 本文从教学目标、教学方法、教学内容三个方面阐述了自己对国家基础教育课程改革的认识和看法。教育目标由原来注重知识的传授而强调让学生形成积极主动的学习态度;教学的重点由重传授向重发展转变,教师教学要以人为本,呼唤人的主体精神;教学内容由过去的“繁、难、偏、旧”,过渡到教材充分体现了“与现实生活相联系”的特点。  关键词:激发、培养、自主、合作、兴趣  通过新课程的培训后,我用业余时间认真研
Ⅰ.根据句意和首字母写出单词,使句子意思完整(每小题1分,共5分)     1. Did you get anything in the l____?   2. I’ll go to the doctor to have a m____ examination.   3. Don’t take away her things without p____.   4. Carlos is pretty