Differences between Chinese and Western Courtesy Expressions

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  Abstract:With the strengthening of international exchanges and cooperation,dialogues and communications between the countries become more frequent.As an important part in the dialogue,politeness has gained its particular importance in cross-cultural communications.This paper tries to figure out the differences between Chinese and Western courtesy expressions from several aspects such as salutation and greetings,how and what have led to the differences.Then this research aims at how to use courtesy expressions in international communications to express politeness,so that intercultural communications can move on well.
  Key Words:courtesy expressions;differences;cross-culture communication
  1.Courtesy expression differences
  1.1Differences in salutations
  Great attention has been paid to the salutation when a Chinese person initials a talk with another person whose social position is relatively higher.The salutation mode of “family name + positing/title”,such as “王经理”、“张校长”、“许院长”、“夏主任” are usually implied to show respect to those people whose societal position are relatively higher.Westerners,having been influenced by their own culture,history and its own value system,have also gained their own characteristics of salutations.But for Westerns,the mode “title + family name”,such as “President Obama”,“Dentist White”,“Captain Henry”,“Professor Leech” are used to address those who turn to be respectful historically or in the real life.It may embarrass the Westerners if those expressions are implied to address other normal individuals,who are considered to be uncomfortable in Western cultures.
  1.2Differences in greetings
  Chinese ways of greetings tends to be situational.Being considerate,Chinese people love to care other person’s situation and interests,such as “你干什么去?”、“吃饭没?”、“你 最近忙什么呢?”.Some Chinese expressions,which come out with questions,are simple greeting expressions to show friendliness and care.No answers are required to those questions.Western way of greeting tends to be modeled.“Hello!”,“Good morning”,“How do you do” and “Nice to meet you” are usually applied to greet each other.When Chinese meet for the first time,there is no special expression for the occasion,but when most English-speaking people meet for the first time,they often say something like “I’m pleased/ glad to meet you”.
  1.3Differences in compliment and acknowledgement
  Compliment is a great way to initiate a conversation with strangers.Showing the positive mind towards others,compliment indicates the speaker’s good judgment and percipient towards aesthetics.Compared with Chinese,Westerners use more direct compliment expressions.Both Chinese and Westerners love to complicate other’s exterior,newly bought stuff and some excellent performance.However Chinese likes to complicate people’s internal quality such as beauty,clever,good hair quality,and beautiful skin while westerners love to complicate other’s things which are gained by their own hardworking,such as good hair style,good make up and beautiful garments.Compliments of one’s own child,pet and husband or wife are welcomed in Western culture but resisted among Chinese.   2.Reasons of the differences
  2.1 Values factors
  Influenced by Confucianism,differential mode of the association has come into being in the whole community in China.Collectivism,which emphasizes on the importance of community and interpersonal coordination,has maintained its popularity among Chinese people until now.Emphasizing the interpersonal harmonization,Chinese collectivism is trying to restrain the role of individuals in groups to maintain the social well-being.Different from Chinese,the Westerners are in favor of the individualism.So words and deeds without prejudice to others can be said by any person.Influenced by this idea,the lifestyle of personal preference is respected.It is considered to be polite to respect each other’s personal freedom,rights and independence in Western culture,and vice versa.
  2.2Position factors
  Position factors not only occur among Chinese people but also among Westerners.Deeply influenced by the historical feudalism,Chinese people still have their own characteristics in terms of societal positions.Position has always been one of the most important factors to be taken into consideration when conversation occurs among Chinese persons.Chinese and Western ways of courtesy expressions have largely been influenced by their social position factors.Each society has its own characters due to its cultural and traditional customs.The differences of social relationships and family structures between Chinese and Westerners are quite huge.Agriculture has occupied a lot in Chinese economy,so the movement of population is small and the residential environment is relatively stable.Due to the tradition that all generations of each family should live together,family members are quite amiable to each other.However western families are just the opposite;people move frequently,and family structures are relatively simple.Those factors have led to a distinctively difference in courtesy expressions.
  2.3Thinking mode factors
  Different nations have their own unique way of thinking,and different ways of thinking will form various forms of language expressions.Chinese people believe that the world is formed by the combination of multiple interrelated organic parts.They form an overall view of the world.Chinese attach importance to harmonious relationships,and treat the world subjectively.Their mode of thinking is an indirect and emotional curve.That is to say,Chinese people are accustomed to beat about the bush in communication.Straightforward words or expressions are usually avoided;instead,a roundabout way of expression or implied strategy is used to produce subtle and tactful languages.This requires the listener to understand the real meaning of words by figuring out the speaker’s mind.The core part of a conversation is often placed on the back of the discourse because they believe that doing so is consistent with the politeness principle.   3Overcoming misunderstanding in cross-culture communications
  3.1Avoiding taboos
  In any culture,there exist some words or expressions which are not allowed to be spoken or used in communication because of the traditional cultures and people’s customs.Those words or expressions which are not used in public communications are called taboos.Awkwardness may occur when taboos are used in front of a person,and the person may feel offensive.However,due to culture differences,Chinese and Western culture both have their respective taboos.So having a good knowledge of taboos from different cultures is a great way to avoid misunderstanding and awkwardness in cross-culture communications.
  3.2Using euphemisms
  Being a special ways to express tattoos,euphemisms are being applied to avoid unhappiness and awkward during cross culture communications.Westerners are afraid of getting old,so expressions such as “senior citizen”,“seasoned man” and “golden years” are being applied to refer to the olds.However in contrast,Chinese are interested in old for old is a symbol of experiences and wealth.
  The differences between Chinese and Western courtesy expressions in cultural exchanges are quite obvious,but these differences are decided by some of the core hiding factors such as profound cultural characteristics,mode of thinking and the national character.
  The differences between Chinese and Western courtesy expressions occur in many other occasions too.To have a better understanding of them will benefit us a lot in terms of language learning as well as cross-culture communication.During cross-culture communications,participants shall show respect and understanding to each other.
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“阅读是孩子最珍贵的宝藏。”早期阅读是奠定孩子人生阅读的基础,在家庭教育中,父母更应该重视早期阅读,给孩子的发展打下坚实的基础,于是亲子阅读便成了培养孩子阅读兴趣,发展他们语言和思维能力的有效桥梁。作为孩子的第一任向导和教师,家长该如何引领孩子走入汉字王国,在家庭中开展亲子阅读、让亲子阅读焕发光彩呢?  一、兴趣引入。让幼儿想阅读  环境的创设只是为孩子提供了阅读的条件,真正让他们走近阅读,走进图
【摘要】多媒体信息技术在英语教学中发挥越来越重要的作用。它能帮助教师实施教学任务,传递教学信息。同时英语课程标准强调教师应用好各种多媒体手段,充分利用现代教育技术进行英语教学。因而本文就有效合理利用多媒体技术与英语阅读课堂的整合,发挥多媒体技术对英语阅读课堂教学的优势进行阐述和反思,揭示了提高英语阅读教学质量、优化课堂的有效手段。  【关键词】多媒体技术;英语阅读教学  一、英语阅读教学改良的迫切
【摘要】批评,是对学生的不良思想言行做出否定性评价,以促使学生认识错误改正错误,避免重犯。可是,在实践中并非所有的批评都能够产生良好的教育效果。要不要批评,成为一个十分敏感的话题。  【关键词】班主任工作;批评;策略  中国青少年研究专家、作家孙云晓就认为:“无批评的教育是伪教育,也是缺钙的教育。”确实,没有批评、惩罚的教育是一种虚弱的教育、脆弱的教育,甚至是不负责任的教育。只要讲究艺术,老师并非
【摘要】本文通过将对高一、高二数学的不同之处进行对比,重点突出了高二数学的侧重点,以及学好高二数学的重要性,再分别从学数学、养成好的学习习惯、培养分析、推断能力等方面论述如何学习好数学。  【关键词】高二数学;重要性;方法归纳  一、高二数学与高一数学的不同之处  与初中的数学相比,高中的数学相对来说概念抽象、习题繁多、教学密度大,高一过后,一些同学对数学望而生畏。高一阶段的知识点非常多,可以说高
许多老师觉得教语文很难。  由于班额很大,学生个体差异突出,且不说备课、上课和批改作业日复一日的艰辛,面对呕心沥血换来的却是年复一年令人沮丧又弄不明白的语文成绩。曾经,我和许多老师一样,对黯然伤神的语文产生过不可磨灭的酸楚、迷茫甚至是畏惧。但是,语文是工具学科,不学坚决不行;再说汉语是我们的国语,作为中华民族的炎黄子孙不会国语,那就是国际玩笑。作为中国的学校不开设语文课,那是决不可能的。也就是说,
【摘要】学校的养成教育是育人的基础工程,是实施素质教育的基本内容。一个人有良好的习惯,必然会产生良好的结果。今天我们要努力创设适宜的活动环境与条件,灵活多样的选用教学活动和组织形式,结合实际地培养儿童的品德和习惯,保护儿童的好奇心,引发儿童探索的欲望,让他们能够生动、活泼、主动的学习,身心健康的成长。  【关键词】养成教育;养成意识;习惯培养  培养一个知书达礼、举止文明的孩子,是社会、家长和学校
【摘要】随着计算机在农村中学的逐渐普及,应用多媒体CAI技术已经成为广大教育工作者改革教学方法、改进教学手段、改善教材形式和课堂教学结构的重要途径。但经过实际的教学应用,其他教师的反馈分析,逐渐发现了一些潜在的问题。  【关键词】多媒体教学;农村中学;应用能力;改革优化  在这个科技水平不断提高,信息技术迅速发展的社会,计算机已经不再是单纯的高科技产品,而是越来越广泛的应用于人们的生活和学习当中。
试卷讲评是高中数学教学的一个重要环节,通过试卷讲评可以帮助学生分析总结前阶段的学习情况,达到纠正错误、查漏补缺、巩固基础的目的。同时还可以帮助教师发现自己教学方面存在的问题和不足,改进教学方法,从而提高教学质量。因此,作为数学教师必须重视试卷讲评课的有效教学。那怎样才能取得预期的教学效果呢?下面谈一谈我对数学试卷讲评课的思考、探索。  一、弄清数学试卷讲评的目的  1、指出学生解题中普遍存在的问题
【摘要】本文以新课程改革的基本理念为出发点,提出了把影视资源引入思想品德教学中,大力发掘与思想品德教学相关的影视资源,用新的教学模式来实现影视资源与思想品德课教学的整合,以提高思想品德课的教学效果。  【关键词】影视资源;思想品德课程;整合  对于将影视资源引入思想品德课堂的重要性,教育界已经有了共识,但在两者的整合实践中,影视资源往往仅起到辅助工具的作用——仅仅是陶冶学生情操,激发学生兴趣,在形