介绍了当前国内外在以面包酵母为催化剂不对称催化合成手性化合物的研究情况 ,重点介绍了面包酵母催化各类潜手性羰基的不对称还原、潜手性碳 -碳双键的不对称加成和碳 -碳键形成的反应情况 ,讨论了各种提高酵母催化不对称合成反应立体选择性的方法 ,对酵母催化不对称合成有关生物学方面的研究进行了简单的介绍。
The current research on the asymmetric catalytic synthesis of chiral compounds catalyzed by baker’s yeast was introduced. The asymmetric reduction of various potential carbonyls by baker’s yeast was introduced. The asymmetry of the latent chiral carbon-carbon double bonds Addition and carbon-carbon bond formation reaction, discussed various methods to improve the stereospecificity of asymmetric synthesis of yeast catalyzed reactions, the biological aspects of the asymmetric synthesis of yeast catalyzed a brief introduction.