
来源 :家庭影院技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiesenbone23
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随着生活水平的日益提高,人们对文化生活的要求也逐渐提高,小型影院、影音室正逐步走入人们的视野。近几年,国内的定制安装行业得到了迅猛发展,各式各样的设计理念涌入国内。人们在设计影音室的时候经常会提出“吸音怎么吸?用什么样的材料?放多少?放在哪里?市面上买的扩散体可以改善音质吗?”这样的问题,在工程完工的时候又会提出“这样的声音就是最好的了吗?还有没有改善的可能?怎样改善呢?”等等。人们使用零散的理论和知识点应用到实际设计中,缺少系统的理论指导和测试、评判标准。小型影院声学设计是一项系统工程,从前期的数据采集、指标确立、数据测算、材料和结构订立,再到加工方法、测试验收,每一个步骤都需要拥有丰富的技术储备与实现方式的积累。而现在通行的影院设计标准多为商用影院,内容大部分为大的指标,并不具备实际的指导意义,对于声学指标更高、更细腻的小型影院并不适用。因此,中电声学与清华大学建筑声学研究所联合编制了一项《小型影院声学设计与认证标准》,作为对家庭影院、个人影音室蓬勃发展的响应和推动。该标准致力于为小型非商用影院的声学设计及认证提供更专业更有针对性的标准及方法,并对音质效果欠佳的影院提供整改方向。 With the increasing standard of living, people’s requirements for cultural life are also gradually increasing. Small cinemas and video rooms are gradually entering the people’s perspective. In recent years, the domestic custom installation industry has been rapid development, a variety of design concepts influx of domestic. When people design audio-visual room, they often ask: “How to absorb sound, what kind of material to use, how much to put it, where to put it, and how to buy the diffuser on the market can improve sound quality?” When the time will be raised “This sound is the best? There is no improvement possible? How to improve it?” And so on. People use the scattered theory and knowledge points applied to the actual design, the lack of systematic theoretical guidance and testing, evaluation criteria. Small theater acoustic design is a systematic project, from the early data collection, the establishment of indicators, data calculations, materials and structures entered into, processing methods, testing and acceptance, each step requires a wealth of technical reserves and the accumulation of ways to achieve . The prevailing cinema design standards are mostly commercial cinemas, most of which are large indicators, and do not have practical guiding significance, and are not suitable for small cinemas with higher acoustic indexes and more delicate details. Therefore, CPE and Tsinghua University Institute of Building Acoustics co-developed a “small theater acoustics design and certification standards,” as a home theater, personal audio-visual room to respond to and promote the vigorous development. The standard is dedicated to providing more professional and targeted standards and methods for acoustical design and certification of small, non-commercial cinemas, as well as providing remediation directions for theaters with poor sound quality.
我觉得主题刊体现了很强的策划意识。编辑有自己的想法,策划孩子们感兴趣的主题刊,培养孩子的创造性思维,培养他们主动学习的精神,这是非常好的。这个做法是《小学生导刊》很独特的东西。  ——龚旭东(《三湘都市报》副总编辑,著名文学评论家)  主题刊是非常好的策划。我们面对的东西太多了,有一个主题来引领,孩子们的阅读也就有了一个线索。找到一个好的主题,作为这一期刊物的灵魂,引出一个巨大的美妙的世界。我觉得
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According to the basic principles of institutional economics,the Constitutional system is the underlying causes to promote the economic development.The CPC Cent
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