Spectrum allocation game of directional transmission in multi-hop cognitive radio networks

来源 :High Technology Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaopp1920
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The spectrum allocation for links in multi-hop cognitive radio networks is addressed.The links rent the vacant licensed bands offered by primary users for implementing directional transmission.To minimize the individual cost,the links share the licensed band and rental fee.An interference model for the directional transmission in cognitive radio networks is proposed to formulate the cooperative and dynamic behavior of the links using the theory of hedonic game,called spectrum allocation game.The game is proved to converge to the core stable state indicating that all links satisfy with their current conditions and do not deviate from their coalitions.Numerical results show that the game improves spectral efficiency and contributes to reducing the individual cost of the links. The spectrum allocation for links in multi-hop cognitive radio networks is addressed. The rent for the vacant licensed radio networks is addressed. The rent is available for primary users for implementing directional transmission. Minimize the individual costs, the links share the licensed band and rental fee. An interference model for the directional transmission in cognitive radio networks is proposed to formulate the cooperative and dynamic behavior of the links using the theory of hedonic game, called spectrum allocation game. The game is proved to converge to the core stable state indicating that all with satisfy their current conditions and do not deviate from their coalitions. Numerical results show that the game improves spectral efficiency and contributes to reducing the individual cost of the links.
实施素质教育 ,其中重要的一环就是指导学生学会学习。英语教师在完成教学目标的同时 ,要教会学生学习的方法和培养他们自学、独立运用英语的能力。 The implementation of
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摘 要:看图学文是凭借插图,把语文文字具体化、形象化、来达到学生学习语文知识的一种课文形式。这种形式利于培养弱智儿童的观察能力,提高他们的学习兴趣,要求教师充分利用插图来传授知识。在教学中要教会学生观察的方法,补偿其感知缺陷;从补充空白入手,补偿思维,想象缺陷;灵活使用插图,补偿注意、记忆缺陷;通过多种方法的配合达到对弱智儿童心理缺陷的补偿。  关键词:看图学文;弱智儿童;心理缺陷;补偿  看图学
這盆碧绿的如喷泉一般茂盛的迷迭香,沐浴着金色的阳光,随风摆动枝叶。它们舒展着自己的身体,倾泻着碧绿的色彩,像是在不停地成长,不停地欢笑。  迷迭香十分柔嫩,它的一切都那么小巧玲珑:棉线似的枝,月牙儿似的叶。这盆迷迭香,是我家众多花草中的一个小小的奇迹。它刚来我家时,我把它放在我房间的阳台上,时不时浇水,剪枯枝枯叶。时光流逝,我长大了,它也长大了,从种在杯子到种在一个水桶大的花缸里,有我膝盖那样高了