一支步兵“钢刀连”,像离弦的箭一样,通过人烟稀少的山路,错综复杂的居民地,还有难辨地貌的丘陵地及“敌战区”封锁线。经过艰难的跋涉和激烈战斗,比规定时间提前半小时到达“敌后”野外露营。“报告海豹,我是野狼,我们已到达无名高地。”接着指挥员通过超短波无线通讯网发来“原地待命”的命令。 这是8月上旬,上饶军分区组织民兵应急营进行的升级对
An infantry “Steel Knife Company”, like the Stringed Arrow, passes through sparsely populated mountain roads, intricate residential areas, hilly areas that are difficult to distinguish from landforms and the “enemy zone” blockade. After a difficult journey and fierce fighting, than half an hour before the scheduled time to reach the “enemy rear” field camping. “Report seals, I am a wolf, we have reached an unnamed plateau.” Then the commander sent an order to “stand still” through the UW wireless network. This is the early August, Shangrao military sub-district militia emergency battalion to upgrade