本文报告1966年12月到1977年7月收治的付鼻窦肿瘤33例,其中5例(4例上颌窦鳞癌,1例筛窦黑色素瘤)由于术中发现已侵犯蝶窦而未完成手术,余28例行颅面联合切除术治疗。作者认为,应仔细进行术前检查,以估计病损的程度及手术适应症禁忌症。如咽鼓管鼻咽粘膜及蝶安粘膜活检证实已受累,则不宜手术。但X 线片上的蝶窦阴影或明显的骨破坏,并非肿瘤侵犯该部位的确定指征,因付鼻窦炎症亦可致类似改变。
This article reports 33 cases of paranasal sinus neoplasms treated from December 1966 to July 1977, of which 5 cases (4 cases of maxillary sinus squamous cell carcinoma and 1 case of ethmoid sinus melanoma) had incomplete intraoperative sphenoid sinus surgery and did not complete surgery. The remaining 28 patients underwent craniofacial resection. The author believes that preoperative examinations should be carefully performed to estimate the extent of lesions and contraindications for surgical indications. Such as the eustachian tube nasopharyngeal mucosa and vaginal epithelial membrane biopsy has been confirmed, it is not suitable for surgery. However, the sphenoid sinus shadow or obvious bone destruction on the X-ray film is not a definitive indication for the tumor to invade the site, because the sinusitis can also cause similar changes.