扶大厦之将倾,此处地灵生人杰,解危济困,安邦柱国,万民额首寿巨(?)。 挽狂澜于既倒,斯郡天宝蕴物华,治水秀山,兴工扶农,千载接踵颂广安。 走进邓小平同志故居,聆听春天的故事; 走进邓小平同志故居,追寻伟人的足迹。 充满深情的目光,感受着这里的庄严和神圣: 深怀敬仰的心灵,阅读着它的平凡和伟大。
The building will be tilted, where the soul of outstanding people, the solution to the crisis, Ambassador, tens of thousands of first birthday giant (?). Turn the tide in both, County Shundao Yun Wuhua, Xiu Shui Xiushan, Hing workers to support agriculture, thousands of years followed by song Guang An. Walk into the former residence of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, listen to the story of spring, walk into the former residence of Comrade Deng Xiaoping and pursue the footsteps of great people. Full of affectionate eyes, feel the solemn and sacred here: deep respect for the heart, read its ordinary and great.