数九寒天,北方凛冽刺骨的寒风,令多少人望而却步!然而,此时此刻,在黑龙江、乌苏里江和松花江上,头戴皮帽、身穿皮裤的赫哲人却在冰河上凿冰捕鱼。 素以渔猎生产为主的赫哲民族,很早以前就有穿冰捕鱼的超人本领。早年是将江面上凿穿一个面盆大的冰眼,然后垂下鱼钩静等“愿者”咬钩。之后,又发明了“咕咚网”、“铃铛网”,渔人在设网的上游打“咕咚耙”,驱赶鱼群入网,鱼群触网牵动铃响,即可起网收鱼。
However, at this very moment the Hezhe people in leather hats and leather pants in Heilongjiang, the Wusuli River and the Songhua River dug ice on the ice. Fishing. Hezhe nationality, predominantly based on fishing and hunting, had a superb ability to wear ice fishing long ago. In the early years, he had drilled a big glacial ice of a basin on the river, and then droop the fish hook and wait for the “blessing” of the bite hook. Later, they invented the “Gudong Network” and “Bell Network”. The fishermen hit “Gudong rake” in the upper part of the network to drive the fish into the network.