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先行发展地区不能等到所有小康指标都达标,也不能等到其他小康社会指标都达到后再开启基本实现现代化的进程。这是对生产力的保护和促进。局部地区可以率先基本实现现代化,但必须达到顶层设计,全国统一的的必要标准。但不同地区可以因禀赋和结构的差异,有选择性指标从而形成各自的现代化特色。基本实现现代化的区域有个空间尺度问题,需要突破市县范围,包含中心和外围。面对现代化进程中的区域差距,现代化进程需要两个层次的区域协调:一是率先开启基本实现现代化的区域内的协调;二是现代化的先行地区与后行地区的协调。现代化的区域协调把地方政府作用推到了前台。 The first development areas can not wait until all well-to-do targets have reached the standard, nor can they wait for the other well-to-do society indicators to reach the basic realization of the modernization process. This is the protection and promotion of productive forces. Some areas can take the lead in basically realizing modernization, but they must meet the necessary standards of top-level design and national unity. However, different regions may have their own characteristics of modernization due to the differences of endowments and structures and selective indicators. There is a space scale problem in the area where the modernization is basically realized, which needs to break through the cities and counties, including the center and the periphery. In the face of the regional disparities in the process of modernization, the process of modernization requires two levels of regional coordination: one is to take the lead in opening up coordination within the region where modernization is basically achieved; and the other is to coordinate the modernization of the antecedent and the succeeding areas in modernization. Modern regional coordination pushed the role of local government to the forefront.
目的通过引入评价胃肠道功能衰竭的急性肠胃损伤(acute gastrointestinal injury,AGI)评分,形成改良序贯器官衰竭评价(sequential organ failure assessment,SOFA),探讨SOFA评分
目的:研究单根的下颌第二磨牙的根管形态.方法:通过X线片和临床检查确定根管, 样本从根中1/3截断以证实X线片和临床检查结果,采用Melton的方法对C形根管分类.结果:12 个牙有C
乔尔·夏皮罗(JOEL SHAPIRO, 1941年生) 雕塑家乔尔·夏皮罗以人物为古老的古典主义雕塑题材,当他决意要以活生生的人的某种存在感去温暖极少主义立体形式的冰冷完美性时,在