目的:通过本试验的开展,试验中检测并记录推拿手法操作时的力学及相关特征参数的变化,并对试验结果观察与分析,将更全面的阐明推拿手法操作要领,为推拿手法教学与考评、推拿手法的生物力学研究以及推拿手法量化、规范化与标准化研究提供参考。方法本实验利用FootScan压力传感器测力平板系统,观测G0组,G1组、G2组、G3组实施推拿手法操作过程中的参数,以此来开展推拿手法参数的量化与标准化研究。结论在推拿手法的作用力、接触面积、作用频率、及作用力的累计(冲量)方面对不同组别进行讨论,结果提示在某些参数对比方面,不同组别间、不同手法间组有差异,提示此力学参数是推拿手法的生物力学主要参数。在掌法的压强分析过程中,各组间无明显差异,提示此力学参数是推拿手法的生物力学次要参数。“,”Objective Through this experiment, massage operation were measured and recorded and related to the change of characteristic parameters of mechanics, and the test results of observation and analysis, will be more comprehensive to clarify massage operation essentials, teaching and assessment for massage, massage the biomechanical study and massage quantification, standardization and standardized research to provide the reference.Methods This experiment using FootScan pressure sensor measuring force plate system, observation group G0, G1, G2, and G3 set of parameters in the process of implementation of tuina manipulation, in order to carry out massage parameter quantitative and standardized research. Conclusion The massage, contact area, frequency, and the power of the force of the cumulative to the discussion of different groups (impulse), results suggest in terms of certain parameters contrast, between different groups, there are differences between different technique group, prompt the mechanical parameters is an important parameter to massage the biomechanics.In the process of the analysis method of hand pressure, no significant differences between groups, prompt the mechanics parameter is the massage the biomechanics of the secondary parameters.