对于 Healthy Eating :Speaking and writing的教学案例

来源 :中国教师与教育教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:along_1979
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  1. Enable students to practice their ability of speaking and writing.
  2.Enable students to use their knowledge learned in our daily life.
  3.Enable students to master how to express Suggestions.
  The Importance:
  Improve their ability of speaking and writing and master how to express Suggestions.
  The Difficulty:
  Use the knowledge in our daily life.
  Try to divide the students into groups of four persons this time because this activity needs input from all members of the group. Show the aims, importances and difficulties to the students first.
  Teacher: Would you like to enjoy a video about a restaurant which can offer different kinds of food?
  Students: Yes.
  Teacher: Ok, let’s appreciate it together. Then try to answer: What kind of dishes does the restaurant provide?
  Teacher: Ok. So many delicious foods! Have a discussion in groups to share your opinion in your groups first. Then try to share it with the whole class.
  Students: Have a discussion in groups.
  Teacher: Now please tell me what kind of dishes the restaurant provides. Any volunteers?
  Student1: noodles, rice, jiaozi, pork, chicken with mushrooms.
  Student2: dry bean curd, stir fried tomato with egg, stir fried French beans with bamboo shoots.
  Student 3: spicy tofu, chicken with mushrooms.
  Teacher: Yes, there are so many kinds of food in the restaurant. There are also so many customers. What’s most important for a restaurant to win customers? Try to express your opinions using the way of giving suggestions and advice. Have a discussion in groups, and then try to share your opinion with the whole class.(show some sentences to express suggestions and advice)
  Students: Have a discussion in groups.
  Teacher: I want No.4 in each group to show your opinion to us. Then the rest of you can show your comment to your classmate about his/her suggestion.
  Student1: I think a good cook is necessary because he can cook delicious food.
  Student2: Good idea! I suggest that the waiter and waitress should wear specific clothes to show the restaurant is serving specific food. Then it can attract more customers.
  Student3: Quite right! My advice is to serve a balanced diet. People know health is important.
  Student4: I couldn’t agree with you. ?How about serving dumplings, beef noodle soup?   Student5: They are delicious. It might be a good idea to make fresh dishes.
  Student6: Food is important. Perhaps we should offer cheaper prices to encourage customers.
  Student7: All of you express your opinions to us. Shall we write down the entire thing and make a good advertisement for the restaurant to attract more customers?
  Teacher: Wonderful! You have so many good ideas!? Now I think you can write a short passage to advertise your restaurant and its service using the suggestions you offered just now. Your passage should also include the following things:
  1.explain what kind of food will be offered in your restaurant
  2.describe their ingredients, flavor, smell and appearance
  3.explain how they will provide a balanced diet
  4.explain why your restaurant will provide the best food in the area
  5. explain how customers will be served
  Students: Write a passage as quickly as possible.
  Teacher: Have you finished your writing? Who is volunteer to show your passage to the whole class? Ok, let’s read the passage to analyze it. Try to think: is there any mistake? Does he use the sentences offering suggestions? Does the passage include the five pieces of advice?
  Student1: We should say “feel enjoyable” instead of “Feel enjoyed”.
  Student2: Change “make food delicious” into “cook delicious food”.
  Student3:He uses some sentences offering suggestions .
  Student4: Some sentences are good. For example: It is convenient for you to come to my restaurant.
  Student5: His passage includes all the details. But the handwriting is not prefect. I think he should improve his handwriting.
  Teacher: Quire right! So you should avoid the same mistakes in your writing. Generally speaking, it is a good composition. Who would like to share another one with us? This time, read your passage for us. Try to think: is there any mistake? Does he use the sentences offering suggestions? Does the passage include the five pieces of advice?
  Student6: The pronunciation of “ slim” should be 〔slim〕.
  Student7: The past form of “sent” should be “sent”. We should say “healthier” instead of “more health”.
  Student8: I like the words she used in the passage. For example: Don’t hesitate! Our super restaurant!
  Student 9: She also used some sentences offering suggestions.   Teacher: All of you have done a good job! So when you try to write a good passage, you must pay attention to the passage structure, the sentences you use and the details your passage must include. Besides, handwriting is very important.
  Teacher: Try to rewrite your passage according to the suggestions offered by you just now.
  Students: Rewrite the passage.
  Teacher: Have you finished your composition? Hand them in .I’ll show you a sample advertisement. Read it quickly and try to learn something useful from it.
  Teacher: Show a sample advertisement for the students.
  Students: Read the advertisement aloud.
  Teacher: I’ll go through your compositions after class. Then I will select some wonderful ones for us to appreciate.
我带的二(2)班有54人,其中15人是走读的,39人是寄宿生。这些寄宿生大部分是留守儿童,父母往广东、海南、杭州等地打工,自己的孩子则留给爷爷奶奶、外婆、别的亲戚监护。  寄宿生一天三餐都在学校吃,周一至周五在学校住,周末监护人接回家。在家爷爷奶奶、外婆等其他监护人没有什么经济收入,一切费用等打工的父母寄回来才能消费,如果父母不及时寄钱回来,孩子的费用爷爷奶奶、外公外婆没办法解决。  学生在校的伙
后进生是我们教育活动中存在的一种普遍现象,虽然在班上所占比例还不算太大。但对每个后进生的家庭和个人来说,却是很大的问题。而数学是一门具有科学性、严密性的抽象性的学科,学生学好小学数学也不是一件轻而易举的事。因此小学数学教学中抓好数学后进学生的转变工作尤为重要。下面就本人从事近多年小学数学教学,在如何转化数学后进生工作方面谈以下拙见:  因小学数学后进生基本上都存在以下问题:1、对学习数学不感兴趣,
【摘 要】英语素质教育的教学中,优化课堂教学模式是重点,灵活采用不同的教学方法,激发学生的兴趣,让学生成为学习的主人,爱英语,乐学英语。  【关键词】英语教学;素质教育;兴趣;爱心;优化课堂;创设情境;学习主人  英语素质教育的教学中,优化课堂教学模式是重点,也是实施素质教育主渠道。然而,要实现优化课堂教学,这就要求我们教师应做到优化教学目标的制定,优化课堂教学的设计,优化教学方法的组合等,通过优
【摘 要】教师爱学生是教师崇高的职业信念,是高尚的伦理责任心的体现,教师爱学生是师生间的感情沟通,是开启学生的心智的钥匙,是提高教育质量的可靠保证,是培养人才的重要途径。教师爱学生要讲究言行,热爱所有学生;教师爱学生要严格要求;教师不仅要爱学生,还要尊重学生,了解学生。教师要爱每一个学生,爱全体学生。尊重家长,是师爱的重要体现;乐教勤业,是师爱的最高境界。爱是教师工作的基石。  【关键词】师爱;教
班主任工作事无巨细,要面面顾到,可以说是学校工作的重头戏。一个班集体的好坏,关系到每一位科任教学工作的成效与否;关系到一个学校的各项工作能否在这个集体内得到落实、贯彻。而一个好的班集体更离不开一位优秀的班主任。在多年的第一线教学实践中,我深深地体会到没有一个好的班集体,各科要取得良好的教学效果几乎是不可能的。那么如何创造一个良好的班集体呢?  1. 优化环境,营造良好的学习氛围。  一个教室,经过
小学英语教学是英语教学的初级阶段,这一阶段的教学效果,直接影响学生中学阶段的学习,所以小学英语基础教育至关重要。那么怎样才能提高小学英语的效果呢?要根据儿童的心理特点,选择适合小学生口味的教学方式方法。实践证明,注入情感、激发学生热情,培养创新精神、发挥交际能力,培养创新能力和德育、智育相互渗透,完善教学过程是行之有效的教学方法。  1. 努力培养学习兴趣。  事实证明,认为自己“民主、开放、平静
(桂林灵川县潮田乡南圩小学 广西 桂林 541205)  “再穷不能穷教育,再苦不能苦孩子!”这口号喊出了我们多少人的心声,是啊,教育出人才,国家有了人才才能富强,学校出了人才才能有好声誉,家庭出了人才才能兴旺。于是,社会,学校和家庭都把所谓的对孩子们的“爱”给了我们的孩子。请看:  1. 社会给孩子们的“爱”  常见各大媒体、报纸、电视报道关于保护孩子,保护未成年人的文章或节目:要保护孩子的自尊
(茂县凤仪镇宗渠小学 四川 茂县 623200)  【摘 要】反思二十年来教育实践经验的成功与失败,结合现代新的教育理论,去其糟粕,取其精华。重新打造自己,将自己的教育观念进行一场“革命”。加强个人修养;加强学习;坚持写教学反思;努力使自己成为科研型教师;建立大语文观。使自己具有广博的知识,积极的创新意识,健康的心理素质,良好的职业道德,精湛的业务水平,和谐的人际关系,力争成为敢于接受新事物创新性