厉兵秣马 备战淮河——安徽省淮河防汛准备工作综述

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据国家防总1999年第一次全体会议分析指出,今年汛期雨区北移,黄淮海地区降水偏多。对安徽省来讲,淮河自1991年大水后,已有7年未发生大洪水,这是比较少见的。从洪水发生的机率看,淮河今年发生大洪水的可能性较大;从淮河工程条件看,随着淮河上游及其支流的治理,工程状况有了很大的变化,汇流加快,该省地处淮河中游,防汛压力明显加大。特别是淮河主要支流涡河由于受引黄淤灌的影响,防洪能力较低,且西阳集以上没有完整的防洪堤,沿涡的亳州、涡阳城防设施薄弱。因此,今年淮河防汛形势不容乐观。各地和有关部门按照国家防总及省防指的部署与要求,牢固树立防洪保安全、抗灾夺丰收的思想,在继续抓好长江防汛工作的同时,着重做好迎战淮河大洪水的各项准备。 According to the analysis made by the first national plenary meeting of 1999 in 1999, the rain area moved northward in this flood season, with more precipitation in the Huang-Huai-Hai area. As far as Anhui Province is concerned, it is not uncommon for the Huaihe River to have witnessed major floods for seven years since the flood in 1991. From the probability of flood occurrence, Huaihe River is more likely to have a big flood this year. According to the engineering conditions of Huaihe River, with the treatment of the upper reaches of the Huai River and its tributaries, there has been a great change in the state of the project, Huaihe River, flood control pressure increased significantly. Especially the major tributary of the Huaihe River due to the impact of the Yellow River silt irrigation, flood control capacity is low, and there is no complete set of Xidian flood levee, along the vortex of Bozhou, Guoyang urban defense facilities are weak. Therefore, the flood control situation in Huaihe River this year is not optimistic. In accordance with the deployment and requirements of the national defense and defense agencies, all localities and relevant departments firmly established the idea of ​​flood control and disaster prevention and bumper harvest. While continuing to do a good job in flood control of the Yangtze River, they made every effort to prepare for the flood in the Huai River .
A single-/dual-wavelength switchable and tunable erbium-doped fiber laser(EDFL) with super-narrow linewidth has been proposed and experimentally demonstrated at
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