1980年4月到10月领导上给我机会到英国短期参观抗生素的临床药理和临床应用。在这6个月中,除了在诺丁汉医学中心(Queen’s Medical center)的大学医院微生物科学习外,又参观了一些单位,如Dept.of Microbiol,University college hospital,London;Dept.of Medica1 Microbiol,South-mead General Hospital,Birmingham;Dept.of Medical Microbiol.,London HospitalMidical college,London.,又遇见了在各个领域从事抗生素研究的化学家、微生物学家、临床药理学家和临床医师等。所见所闻结合
From April to October 1980, leaders gave me the opportunity to visit the UK for short-term clinical pharmacology and clinical application of antibiotics. During these six months, in addition to microbiology at the University Hospital in Queen’s Medical Center, several units visited, such as Dept. of Microbiol, University college hospital, London; Dept. of Medica1 Microbiol, South -mead General Hospital, Birmingham; Dept.of Medical Microbiol., London HospitalMidical college, London. Also met with chemists, microbiologists, clinical pharmacologists and clinicians engaged in antibiotic research in various fields. What you see and hear