云南华山松人工纯林存在衰退现象和衰退病 ,其发生和表现与国外其它针、阔叶树衰退病研究结果的报道基本吻合 .首先是衰退华山松生长量持续降低 ,其径粗和高生长量低于正常平均数的 1 2或 2 3以下 ;衰退症状表现为针叶失绿、发黄或枯黄脱落 ,枝叶稀疏、枝梢枯死 ,长势衰弱 ,树冠变形、变小、干形差、树皮粗糙甚至开裂脱落 ,球果发育不全 ,结果量产籽量减少等 ;多伴有各种病虫害的发生 .重要的真菌病害有华山松疱锈病 (CronartiumribicolaFischer) ,华山松腐烂病 (CytosporapiniDesm .) ,煤污病 (Capnodiumsp .)等 .重要的次期性蛀干害虫有纵坑切梢小蠹(BlastophaguspiniperdaLinnaus) ,华山松梢小蠹 (CryphaluslipingensisTsaietLi) .对于“森林衰退”应泛指森林群体 (林分 )表现出明显衰退的症状 .而“衰退病”则是个体的林木呈现的衰退病病害症状和反应 ,正如同其它植物病害一样有各自的不同症状反应 .
The decline of Pinus armandii plantation and its recession in Yunnan were basically the same as the reports of other studies on the decline of Pinus armandii and Pinus armandii in other parts of the world .Firstly, the growth of Pinus armandii decreased continuously and its diameter and height were low The normal average of 1 2 or 2 3 the following; recession symptoms showed the needle green, yellow or brown off, sparsely foliage, shoots withered, weak growth, crown deformation, smaller, poor dry, bark rough Even cracking and shedding, hypocotyls, the result of the reduction of the amount of seed production, etc .; many accompanied by a variety of pests and diseases .Fungus disease is an important fungal blister rust (CronartiumribicolaFischer), Huashan pine rot (CytosporapiniDesm.), (Capnodium sp.), Etc. Important secondary pests include Blastophagus piniperda Linnaeus and Cryphalus lipingensis TsaietLi. For “forest decline” it should be broadly defined that the forest population (stands) Obvious signs of recession, while “recession” is the symptom and response of the diseased plant disease presented by individual trees, just as other plant diseases Reaction of the respective different symptoms.