还未踏入雷摄影工作室,一个高个子、束着不羁长发的年轻人就赶出来接我。我望了他一眼,嗯,正和我想象的时装摄影师刘蛰雷的样子相符。不料进了工作室,他却指着一位长着一张大众脸、穿着朴素、正忙碌于整理反转片的摄影师说,这就是我们的创意总监——刘蛰雷。 说实话,我确实吃了一惊——他的外表如果说是一位IT编程人员或者平面设计师还更像一些,若说与时尚、创意之类字眼儿沾边,真有些
Have not yet entered the thunder photography studio, a tall, unruly hair young people rushed out to pick me up. I looked at him, ah, and I think the fashion photographer Liu Shirei looks like. Unexpectedly into the studio, he pointed to a man with a public face, dressed in simplicity, is busy finishing the reversal film photographer said that this is our creative director - Liu Shilei. To be honest, I was really surprised - if his appearance is more like an IT programmer or graphic designer, if you talk about fashion and creativity,