1935年末 ,鲁迅先生曾购买开明书店出版的《二十五史》一部 ,他在 1935年 12月 2 1日的《日记》中写道 : 开明书店送来佳纸皮面本《二十五史》一部五本 ,并《人名索引》一本 ,价四十七元。①在人民文学出版社 1981年版《鲁迅全集》第 15卷第 5 94页的《书刊注释·注释条目》
At the end of 1935, Mr. Lu Xun purchased one of the “Twenty-Five Histories” published by the Kaiming Bookstore and wrote in his Diary of December 21, 1935: History “a five, and” Index of Names “a price of forty-seven yuan. ① in the People’s Literature Publishing House, 1981 edition of ”Lu Xun’s Complete Works“ Volume 15, page 5 94 of the ”Notes and Annotations of books"