Tin partition behavior and implications for the Furong tin ore formation associated with peralkaline

来源 :Acta Geochimica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jaiky
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Tin deposits are often closely associated with granitic intrusions. In this study, we analyzed tin partition coefficients between different fluids and melts(D_(Sn)~(aq:fl:=melt))as well as various crystals and melts D_(Sn)~(aq:fl:=melt)(D_(Sn)~(crystal=melt))from the Furong tin deposit associated with the Qitianling A-type granite. Our experimental results indicate that tin partition behavior is affected by the chemical compositions of fluids, melts, and minerals. Tin is prone to partitioning into the residual magma in fractional crystallization or other differential magmatic processes if the magma originated from crustal sources with high alkali content, high volatile content, and low oxygen fugacity. Highly evolved residual peralkaline granitic magma enriched in tin can lead to tin mineralization in a later stage. Furthermore, the volatiles F and Cl in the magma play important roles in tin partitioning behavior. Low F contents in the melt phase and high Cl content in the aqueous fluid phase are favorable factors for tin partitioning in the aqueous fluid phase. High Cl content in the aqueous fluid catalyzes water–rock interaction and leads to the extraction of tin from tinbearing minerals. All these findings support a hydrothermal origin for the tin deposits. In light of the geotectonic setting, petrochemical characteristics, and mineralizing physicochemical conditions of the Furong tin deposit, it is inferred that the ore-forming fluid of the Furong tin ore deposit could have derived from the Qitianling peralkaline intrusion. Tin deposits are often closely associated with granitic intrusions. In this study, we analyzed tin partition coefficients between different fluids and melts (D_ (Sn) ~ (aq: fl: = melt)) as well as various crystals and melts D_ (Sn) ~ (aq: fl: = melt) (D_ (Sn) ~ (crystal = melt)) from the Furong tin deposit associated with the Qitianling A-type granite. Our experimental results that tin partition behavior is affected by the chemical compositions of fluids, melts, and minerals. Tin is prone to partitioning into the residual magma in fractional crystallization or other differential magmatic processes if the magma originated from crustal sources with high alkali content, high volatile content, and low oxygen fugacity. Highly evolved residual peralkaline granitic magma enriched in tin can lead to tin mineralization in a later stage. The volatiles F and Cl in the magma play important roles in tin partitioning behavior. Low F contents in the melt phase and high Cl content in the aqueous flui High-duron content in aqueous phase catalyzed water-rock interaction and leads to the extraction of tin from tinbearing minerals. In light of the geotectonic setting, petrochemical characteristics, and mineralizing physicochemical conditions of the furong tin deposit, it is inferred that the ore-forming fluid of the furong tin ore deposit could have derived from the Qitianling peralkaline intrusion.
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