一九八五年十月,是《江苏商论》创刊一周年。从刊物一年来所提供的精神食粮来看,它业已得到了广大读者的欢迎,我们由此感受到欣慰和鼓舞! 这份刊物是面向商业工作者的。今天,新的市场形势和广大人民群众向商业工作者不断提出了新的课题和新的要求。例如,在市场调节范围逐步扩大的趋势下,国营商业如何发挥主导作用;如何从实际出发增强商业企业的活力;怎样进一步实现政企分工,深入改革商品流通体制,
In October 1985, it was the first anniversary of the publication of “Jiangsu Business Theory.” From the point of view of the spiritual food provided by the publication over the past year, it has been welcomed by a large number of readers, and we feel happy and encouraged! This publication is for business workers. Today, the new market situation and the broad masses of the people have constantly raised new issues and new requirements for commercial workers. For example, under the trend of gradual expansion of market regulation, how will state-run commerce play a leading role, how to increase the vitality of commercial enterprises from reality, how to further realize the division of labor between government and enterprises, and in-depth reform of the commodity circulation system?