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  摘译自British Stories
  Early spring, Emily and her newly wed husband moved to a small town to live. The new home was nice in every way, except for the garden, which hadn’t been taken care of for several years. Starting from the beginning was not an easy task. Emily decided to hire a gardener, so she advertised in the paper.
   The next day, two men applied for the job, one tall and one short. They were both polite and seemed to know what they were talking about. While she was thinking over, Emily noticed the neighbor’s wife, on the porch, making signs to her to choose the shorter man. Thinking the neighbor had been here for a long time and must know which gardener was better, Emily followed her advice. The shorter man was good. Within days, the shabby garden became organized. After sev-eral rains, it sprang to life.
   The tall man went to work for another new-comer. Emily found his garden far less established than hers. The garden work looked messy. The grass was cut in haste.
   Soon Emily went to the neighbor’s home and talked about the gardeners. “The person you suggested is very good!” said Emily gratefully, “if it weren’t for your experience, I would have hired the tall guy. I thought he looked like a hard-working man.”
   “Looks are never reliable!” The neighbor’s wife shook her head, “when you’re hiring somebody to work in your garden, look at his pants, not face. Those two guys are both from out of town. I have never seen them before. But I noticed the shorter man had on new pants, with heavily patched knees. The tall man had on an old pants, with undamaged knees, but they were patched on the seat. So I knew instantly, who spends all day working on his knees and who spends all day sitting on his butt.”
Cheryl made the two-hour trip over and over to be with her mother, who suffered a terminal1 illness.  As her mother’s pain intensified2 and more medication was needed to ease her into seda-tion3, Cher
我和丈夫隔着病床上洁白的床单对视着。四岁的凯特仍然高高兴兴地一来一回地摇晃着床腿。这是她爸爸第一次在医院里过夜,对她来说,这不啻于一次冒险。  “爸爸什么时候回家?”那天早晨她问我。“一个星期后,”我告诉她,虽然这不完全是事实。在以后的八个月中,瑟吉每隔三个星期就要住一个星期的院。以后将会有很多不回家的夜晚,将会有很多个“爸爸什么时候回家”的疑问。  我不安地用手去抚平那已经很平滑的枕头。瑟吉用手
I’m only twelve years old, but I know sadness and the fear of death very well. My grandfather has been smoking since he was a young teenager, and now he has a terrible disease called emphysema1 that r
Christian Herter was governor of Massachusetts. One day, after a busy morning (and without lunch) he ar-rived at a church barbecue. It was late afternoon and Herter was famished.  As Herter moved down
A couple, whom we shall call John and Mary, had a nice home and two lovely children, a boy and a girl. John had a good job and had just been asked to go on a business trip to another city and would be
I remember reading a statement by a psychiatrist1 who said that if you ever feel depressed, the best thing to do is to do something for someone else. Why? Because it gets you focused outward, not inwa
我一生大多数时间都是做旅行推销商,所以孤独成了一种职业病。但有一年,我的小女儿珍宁送给了我一副想家的解药。  那是一只玩具企鹅,它有一双乌溜溜的眼睛,打着红色蝴蝶结,长着一双橘黄色的脚———大约有五英寸高。它的左腿上粘着一个小牌子,上面手绘着:“我爱我爸!”我马上在我的梳妆台上给企鹅提供了一席之地。  下一次旅行时,我就将企鹅放进了手提箱。当夜我给家里打电话时,珍宁忐忑不安地说企鹅不见了。“宝贝儿
A little boy selling magazines for school walked up to a house that people rarely visited. The house was very old and run down and the owner hardly ever came out. When he did come out he would not say
It was an unseasonably hot day. Everybody, it seemed, was looking for some kind of comfort, so an ice cream store was a natural place to stop.   A little girl, holding her money tightly, entered the s