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一、创设情境,激发兴趣,欣赏佳作之美师:今天在上课前,老师想和同学们共同欣赏几幅书法作品。你们想看吗?他们都是我们延兴小学的老师写的。师:知道这是什么书体吗?生:篆书。师:篆书结构上紧下松,时有对称。师:这是什么书体?生:隶书。师:隶书结构扁平,结字秀丽、端庄。师:这又是什么书体?生:楷书。师:我们最熟悉的楷书。写得怎么样?如果你勤加练习,也会写得和老师们一样好。【点评:课始,教师让学生欣赏本校教师的书法作品,看似寻常,却颇有深意。其作用有二:一是可以培养学生 First, create the situation, stimulate interest and enjoy masterpieces of beauty division: Today, before class, the teacher wanted to share with his classmates a few pieces of calligraphy. Do you want to read them? All of them are written by our teachers in Yan Hing Primary School. Teacher: Do you know what kind of book? Health: Seal book. Teacher: Seal structure Tight loose, sometimes symmetrical. Teacher: What is this book? Health: Lishu. Teacher: Lishu structure is flat, knot beautiful, dignified. Teacher: What is this book body? Students: regular script. Teacher: We are most familiar with regular script. How to write? If you diligently practice, will write as good as the teachers. [Comments: At the beginning of the class, teachers let students appreciate the teachers’ calligraphy works in our school. They seem to be unusual but profound in meaning. Its role is twofold: First, you can train students
【摘 要】我国市场经济的快速发展,使得外部环境更加复杂,为了应对这一挑战,行政事业单位必须具备更完善、更科学的内部财务控制体系。内部财务控制是内部控制管理的重点,其好坏关系将直接影响事业单位内部财务活动能否顺利开展,对促进单位可持续健康发展有着深远意义。  【关键词】行政事业单位;内部财务控制;实施;措施  一、引言  行政事业单位内部财务控制,即在内部管理基础上,相关部门运用控制论的理论与方法,