当前教育的转轨,就是由应试教育转为素质教育入手,达到大面积提高教育质量之目的。如何提高差生的地理成绩,是我们广大地理教师研究的课题和刻不容缓的任务。下面就几年来我们在教学上的一些做法谈几点体会,希能起到抛砖引玉的作用。一、关心爱护差生,激励差生“想学” 差生地理成绩不理想,有多方面因素,教师无论在日常生活中还是在教学活动中,对差生就要格外关心,利用各种途径了解他们的思想状况,了解他们学习中的困难及其产生的原因,使教学活动有较强的针对性。上课提问,不忽视差生,让他们和
The current transition of education is the transition from exam-oriented education to quality-oriented education and the goal of improving the quality of education in a large area. How to improve the geography of poor students is a topic for our large number of geography teachers and a task that requires no delay. The following is a brief discussion of some of our practices in teaching over the past few years. Greece can play an important role. First, care for and love poor students, motivate poor students “want to learn ” poor students geographical achievements are not ideal, there are many factors, whether in teachers’ daily life or in teaching activities, we must pay special attention to poor students, use various ways to understand them The state of the mind, understanding the difficulties in their learning and the reasons for their occurrence, so that teaching activities have a stronger pertinence. Ask questions in class and ignore poor students, let them and