Hill-Type Formula and Krein-Type Trace Formula for Hamiltonian Systems

来源 :分析、理论与应用(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bujifangzong
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In this paper,we give a survey on the Hill-type formula and its applications.Moreover,we generalize the Hill-type formula for linear Hamiltonian systems and Sturm-Liouville systems with any self-adjoint boundary conditions,which include the standard Neumann,Dirichlet and periodic boundary conditions.The Hill-type for-mula connects the infinite determinant of the Hessian of the action functional with the determinant of matrices which depend on the monodromy matrix and boundary conditions.Further,based on the Hill-type formula,we derive the Krein-type trace formula.As applications,we give nontrivial estimations for the eigenvalue problem and the relative Morse index.
In the presence of closely located inclusions of the extreme material prop-erty,the physical fields,such as the electric field and the stress tensor,may be con-
当最后一节课的下课铃声响起,同学们三三两两地走出教室。我站起身来,终于鼓足勇气走到老师面前:“谢谢您,老师!”  那一年的春天来得格外晚,都3月了,还未换下厚厚的棉服。我那时正在一个英语培训机构做少儿英语老师。只有中专学历的我,对外号称是“自考大专毕业”。但实际上,我的自考大专在经历了长达4年的长跑之后,仍有一門《英语国家概况》未能考过。这门全英文的课程,对于从未系统学习过高阶英语的我来说,不啻天
We prove the existence of trajectories shadowing chains of heteroclinic or-bits to a symplectic normally hyperbolic critical manifold of a Hamiltonian system.Th
In this paper we introduce a method to construct periodic solutions for the n-body problem with only boundary and topological constraints.Our approach is based