Implementation of ternary Shor’s algorithm based on vibrational states of an ion in anharmonic poten
【机 构】
College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China;Science and T
【出 处】
因式分解与整式乘法可不一样,它与整式乘法的运算顺序正好相反,需要把一个多项式写成几个整式积的形式. 通过这段时间的学习,我对因式分解颇有心得,现介绍给大家,希望共同进步! 问题:甲同学有很强的观察能力,看出了“题”中的完全平方公式,很了不起!但遗憾的是他没有先提取公因式,再用完全平方公式,导致最后的结果还能继续分解,“革命”不彻底! 建议:首先观察代数式中的各项有没有公因式,如果有,就应该先提
,Effects of annealing temperature on shape transformation and optical properties of germanium quantu
The influences of thermal annealing on the structural and optical features of radio frequency (rf) magnetron sputtered self-assembled Ge quantum dots (QDs) on S
We measure the absorption and dispersion in a Doppler-broadenedΛ-type three level system by resonant stimulated Raman spectroscopy with homodyne detection. Thr
在复习《整式乘法与因式分解》这一章时,老师让我们思考教材第89页“小结与思考”中的第4点,完成两个直角三角形的拼图(图1),并让大家从不同角度计算这个图形的面积. 解决这道题目并不困难,不少同学说小学里就曾求过类似的面积,很快有人说出如下一些方法. 方法1:把梯形看成三个三角形的面积之和得:S梯形=ab ab c2; 方法2:直接计算得:S梯形=(a b)2. 老师没有就此罢休,而是接着问
,Mapping an on-chip terahertz antenna by a scanning near-field probe and a fixed field-effect transi
In the terahertz (THz) regime, the active region for a solid-state detector usually needs to be implemented accurately in the near-field region of an on-chip an